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Jul 28, 2003 03:25 AM
by Katinka Hesselink

Hi everybody,

I have just come back from the European School of the
Wisdom in Naarden, where we studied two famous letters by
the Mahatmas: the '1900 letter' and the 'Maha Chohan
These were covered by Mary Anderson, with discussion groups
going into it as well. 

We also studied Buddhism under Tran Thi Kim Dieu, who gave
a lot of information (a bit too much for three days) and
ended with an indepth survey of Sunnyata from a
theosophical perspective. Well worth our while. 

I planned, when I came back, to ask you all about the
nature of reality, as I will be hosting an evening on the
subject in my lodge, in september. Instead I came across a
(to me) weird interpretation of karma... And so I wanted to
ask you all:

Do you think it is possible for the Adepts to get rid of
somebody elses karma? By two well-studied theosophists 'of
long standing' it was said that when HPB was on her
death-bed, and the Masters healed her, after having asked
her if she would consent to that (and write the Secret
Doctrine) - that this healing was interfering with or
lifting of karma. In short: it was stated that this
incident showed that the Mahatmas were beyond karma. Do you
all think this likely, possible, reasonable ... etc.??


Katinka Hesselink
-Those who observe, learn, a whole life long.
-Wie observeert, leert , een heel leven lang.

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