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Re: Theos-World RE: Fw: [bn-study] Man as (Manas) the thinker or Reflective Being.

Feb 18, 2004 06:10 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Dennis Kier wrote:
Investigating the message that seemed to come from you, the attachment
contained the file,"yrubijakspo.exe"
These days, the one place you can be reasonably sure a virus did NOT come from is the name in the FROM: field. It used to be that people would find out that they were infected by large volumes of mail being returned, or they would trick a virus by putting an invalid address as the first one in their Outlook address book. Viruses got around this by using their own sendmail facility, which, in addition, forges a random name from the victim's mailing list as the FROM: name.


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