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Re: Theos-World Association of Concerned Theosophists

Feb 23, 2004 06:42 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

walkinsnotwelcome wrote:
Whatever happened to them? They made some promises, then vanished like cockroaches.
With one or two exceptions, they were well-meaning with some good, solid suggestions. The problem was that it was not enough for them to be right; they worded their more sensible proposals in such a way as to force the then-administration to be declared to be wrong. I don't have their proposals in front of me, but I recollect one example was a suggestion that votes for officers of the TSA be independently accounted. Not a bad idea, but the proposal also contained language which essentially stated that the TSA Board of Directors were not trustworthy, and THAT, the members would not vote for. If it contained just the former and not the latter, it may very well have passed. Less practical proposals included one in which Quest Magazine would be required to publish all submissions and letters without any editorial discretion, regardless of the volume of the articles and mail.

Bart Lidofsky

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