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Re: Theos-World HPB not an adept?

Feb 27, 2004 05:48 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Of course HPB was an adept, and yet Bart's unnamed quote from Master K.H. is
no contradiction to the fact that she was trained in occultism and possessed
occult powers. Her life and work proof that.
Furthermore she opened (it's still in the opening level) a new age.
At certain times avataras do appear on earth to push evolutionary
HPB had the old svastika symbol as her sign.

Perhaps the technical terms adept and master are confused, as it is sadly
often the case.
The last such public examples I remember of were f.e. the interview with
Leslie Price in the British section video or the first installment of the TS
Pasadena of what they call Gottfried de Purucker's Occult Encyclopedia,
where they not hesitated to make Purucker write: "Adept. Another word for
I protested on this list and the entry soon was modified.
Poor GdeP....
Poor HPB...

----- Original Message -----
From: "krishtar" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Theos-World HPB not an adept?

Bart wrote:

(...)A) Blavatsky was not an Adept. She wasn't even a particularly good
choice for the projects the Adepts had in mind. She was just the best
available at the time....(...)

My view is:
It is not true.
HPB although in a female human body and subject to certain limitations of
an incarnated ego showed many signs of her cosmic origins.
Although Master Kut Hoo Mi, in ML´s, referred this way about her, it is
not difficult to see that an Adept is a human being who´s reached his
highest point concerning to a top terrestrial evolution.
Between the lines it is possible to notice a little chauvinism in Master
KH sections.
We never conceive a master with human imperfections, it is our biggest
If she supposed got less merit, why would they choose her?



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