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Re: Theos-World A new torch-bearer?

Mar 14, 2004 03:43 PM
by samblo

Controversy, controversy, and more controversy! Well, in 1999 when I 
joined this list I posted a comment about the immediate consequence
of Blavatsky's passing and compared it to the 7-fold economy of the
Being but on the scale of Magnitude of the Group as the Theosophical
Society. The view that the Economy being deprived of the "Prime Mover"
(Madame Blavatsky ) would act similar to the passing of an individual
with the remaining constituents of the economy reassembling based
the affinities of the unique individuation's of those that constitute the
Society. This appeared to happen almost immediately, at least in my 
view, with Members forming new Splinter Lodges that fell back to mimic
the historical strongholds of the psychology of the Western constituency,
namely a departure from the East and a new reiteration of the long held
patterned bulwark of Christianity found in the Constituents. Bailey,
Besant, Leadbeater, Mead and others welcomed with open arms the new
redactionism and justified it in many various ways is more fitting to the
European and Western Society's. The passing of Blavatsky presented an
extreme Paradox of conflict viz -- how can we continue when the only
Agent of the Mahatma's has departed? the remaining Principles of the 
Group that constituted those lower than the higher Mind came up with
the resolving solutions which today occupy and generate the
controversy that is now become perpetual. H.P.B. said shortly before she
passed "When I am gone they can whistle for the Brothers." I posted this
in 1999 and was responded to by a few members saying all others 
should put me on permanent "Ignore." Transformation it seems to me is
a perpetual process that holistically includes not just the Dynamic of the
individual but that of Groups, Nations, civilizations and perhaps Worlds.
Lets not be too Catholic by pronouncing Creation is completed and no 
new origination's are possible.

For a novel example of an attempt to originate a new Paradigm
contemporary with today's world try reading the pages here, where the
Atma has been translated into the "Wholeness Navigator."


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