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tulkus a rubish?

Mar 16, 2004 02:48 AM
by krishtar


In what spiritual basis can you call the Tulkuīs process a rubish?
Under a westener intellectual point of view?
I think the westerners who are interested in Dharma can learn better from the Tulkus than anywhere else.
If there are some inconsistences in some aspects, I donīt know if it is real inconsistence or a limitation of our western -understanding but considering a rubish is really heavy.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ali Hassan 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Hitler, Nazism, the Holocaust, Holocaust Denial, Anti-Semitism, and Neo-Nazism

>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Hitler, Nazism, the Holocaust, Holocaust 
>Denial, Anti-Semitism, and Neo-Nazism
>Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 05:44:56 EST
>In a message dated 03/13/04 11:59:18 PM, writes:
> >>From:
> >>Reply-To:
> >>To:
> >>Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Hitler, Nazism, the Holocaust, Holocaust
> >
> >>Denial, Anti-Semitism, and Neo-Nazism
> >>Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 16:19:33 EST
> >>
> >>--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> >>
> >> > So, where is it written that, once you die, you come back immediately
> >> > into a new body?
> >>
> >>The Tulku Lamas such as the Dalai and Panchen, do it every time.
> >
> >They have an entire system in place, don't they? Makes a difference.
>Yes. I describe it below.
> >>I'm sure HPB knew all about that and how they do it.
> >>Being a Bodhisattva, I'm also sure she's still around.
> >>I wouldn't figure who, though... Since, she may be a baby now
> >> -- unless she decided to do a "walk-in" to a grown up body.
> >>She could be either a watcher or a doer, but also might just be just
> >>hanging around in an Astral body. It's anybody's guess.
> >>What would you choose if you were she?
> >>
> >>LHM
> >
> >Her birthday would be May 9, her Sun sign Taurus, Ascendant late Virgo.
> >Female again.
>Well, which May 9 would you pick since she died?

1978, if I were to pick a year. If you're an advanced student of astrology, 
I could make a case for it.

> >Since you mention the Tibetan tulkus, are you or anyone involved in
> >Theosophy advanced enough that if you had a 'Blavatsky candidate', you'd 
> >able to "see" enough in, say a photo to make judgement? I understand 
> >Olcott, Sinnett, some of those folks were pretty clairvoyant.
> >And what would you do if you were convinced you had found her "in the 
> >It could get almost as bad as other religions, couldn't it?
> >
>You bet. So, I don't think she would let that happen, even if she was 

You seem to ascribe alot of control to her, even if she was around today. 
She had tremendous opposition during that lifetime that was out of her 
control. But, otoh, she might have some discarnate "help" that would do as 
you say, not let that happen...whatever 'that' is.

>Besides, how could anyone recognize a particular soul in a face?
>And, especially in a picture... Since, as it is said, "The eyes are the 
>of the soul?" And, since when did a picture have a soul?

You'd be surprised what photos are capable of transmitting. Doesn't she say 
anything about that in her many writings? Do you look at a photo of a person 
and "get" nothing, intuitively? Do you not think a clairvoyant person could 
not look at a photo and get a 'resonance' of the person's soul?
What about all the devotees in India, and around the world who revere photos 
of gurus. You think there's nothing there?
I say there's something definitely there- photos are an 'astral' impression, 
if you can 'see' it.

>Besides, what evidence do you have that anyone is clairvoyant? All we know
>of that is hearsay and self serving testimony.

Speak for yourself. I've met my share. Many folks have such gifts.

>Also, I'm curious to know how anyone could be convinced that anyone elseis
>HPB if they didn't know her directly when she was alive?

Well, one would have to have some of those inner abilities, wouldn't one?

>Tibetan Tulkus have nothing to do with that. Although, I suppose if we 
>a baby who could pick out HPB's personal possessions from among a big stack
>of varied objects belonging to many people of similar life style, we might 
>convinced that the baby was a reincarnation of HPB. That's how the 
>find the reincarnated Tulku after their Abbot dies. But, for them, the 
>baby has
>to be conceived at the exact same moment of the Lama's death. That's why 
>the married members of a Tibetan sect practice sustained Tantra sex during
>the time their high Lama is on his death bed. (It's a great honor to be 
>parents of the next Abbot.) And why the monks later tour the country with 
>dead Abbot's religious possesions to find the boy.

I think the Tulku system is mostly rubbish, to be frank. I'm extremely 
skeptical of it. That business of picking personal possessions is nothing 
but fetishism displaced, don't you think?
A Master soul could identify 'special beings' such as HPB before, upon, or 
after 'arrival', if they so chose to. This earthly veil is not such an iron 
curtain to the opened eye. (key eerie theme music)

While there is significance to the time of a great soul's departure....I 
find that statement of yours about the Tibetan Tantric sect's sex devotion 
to the Lama...a bit of a novel justification for an orgy. But that could 
just be my own hangup.



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