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Re: Theos-World Re: Passion of Christ

Mar 18, 2004 07:41 AM
by Ali Hassan

From: Erica Letzerich <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Passion of Christ
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 02:37:02 -0800 (PST)

Hi folks,

Last night I went to see the Passion of Christ
directed by Mel Gibson. It was a horrible film, two
hours of too much blood, but too much blood. Not even
in Brave Heart there was so much blood.

It's amazing in a world with so many problems some
persons they have the opportunity to try to pass a
good message, and what they do?

I think the name of the movie should be blood. At
least half of the persons present in the cinema left
before the film to finish.

Erica Letzerich

Erica Letzerich
ICQ- 16621711
"The Truth will set you free, but first will make you miserable"
It's apparent to me that this film is autobiographical- if indeed, all films aren't?
Iow, Mel Gibson's portrayal of the bloody, abused Christ is only his own inner Christ-nature given Mr. Gibson's lifestyle, conflicts and beliefs.
He even depicts his own hands doing the job of nailing Christ to the cross. I think Mr. Gibson is trying to expiate his inner torment in an easy way, rather than doing the actual work he needs to find peace. Therefore, I would submit that he remains extremely tormented and suicidal.



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