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Re: Theos-World Re: Correction Re: Freedom of THOUGHT

Mar 23, 2004 05:00 AM
by Drpsionic

In a message dated 3/23/04 4:51:30 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

Should students of Theosophy appease evil ideologies?


No, but neither should we hide from them.

If we summarily cast the anti-semite from the list, all we accomplish is to 
confirm in him the rightness of his views for that is seen as merely another 
example of "jewish world control" being manifested against him. After all, 
people are not born anti-semitic, there is no gene for it. The person has picked 
up the disease somewhere and for whatever reason it has found a place to grow 
in him.

By engaging in what at times seems to be fruitless and rancorous debate, we 
may break through that and cause a realization that maybe things are not as he 
assumes. And even if that fails, as it may very well do, by answering that 
person with reason and at times a bit of humor, those who are reading the list 
and not posting will see us in a good light, as people who will stand up for 
what we believe and not merely slam the door and hide under the bed at the first 
sign of something that might disturb our happy little world.

The true test of our character is not how much sweetness and light and 
boredom we may spread among ourselves but rather in how we engage those things which 
are unloveable and unlovely.

Chuck the Heretic

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