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Re: Theos-World My membership in Blavatsky_Study / Yahoo

Mar 30, 2004 01:15 PM
by Mauri

Dallas, I don't know if "Blavatsky Study" is different than "BN Study, run by Reed, but I sent a post to the latter on Mar 24 and it doesn't seem as if it got accepted since it didn't show up in my emails, so I posted it a couple of days later on Theos Talk. Not that I'm wondering all that much about why Reed might've rejected my post. In your case, though, I'm wondering. I've been getting your recent Theos Talk posts okay, apparently, and got some emails from BN Study only yesterday. I'll send email to Reed about your concerns.

Best wishes,

Dallas TenBroeck wrote:
March 30 2004

Re: Restrictions to access in Theosophical Lists

Dear Friend:

Today there seems to be a curious coincidence of events. Let me tell

For about 2 or 3 weeks I have not been able to receive or post to
Blavatsky_Study -- conducted by YAHOO

I discovered I have been BANNED from participation.

This is both curious and surprising.

Do you know the person who moderates this?

If so can you ask for the reason and whether he ordered this?



I ask because I have also been disallowed any postings to


And again I have not been given any reason. Peculiar



Early this morning I found out the BLAVATSKY.NET postings had been
terminated or disrupted by the Server.

I advised Reed Carson of this immediately. Can you contact him?



The only channels open for[postings seem to be:



Are an y other channels fr posting available ?

Can any errors be fixed?


Is something going on we know nothing about ?

This appears to me to be important.

Best wishes


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