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Re: [bn-study] Re: levitation and clear light

Apr 28, 2004 02:18 AM
by leonmaurer

Dear Peter,

You're welcome. I appreciate your comments and wish to thank you for your 
ideas that look at light from the less physical and more spiritual as well as 
metaphysical and philosophical points of view. 

When speaking of light as a physical phenomena of fundamental substance or 
matter, and thus relating it to the changing objective aspects of physical time, 
force, and space -- as separate from its noumenal nature of fundamental spin 
-- we also consider its functional attribute as a carrier of information or 
knowledge. And thus by separating its dual Astral nature from its singular 
Akashic nature, we intentionally limit its description for the sake of scientific 
clarity, to only that energetic portion of its fundamental triune nature... 
That is, between its material or receptive or objective aspect and its 
subjective or creative aspect related to pure consciousness (awareness, discrimination, 
will, intent, etc.) -- that, in themselves, are the functions solely of the 
zero-point of absolute space -- which is entirely isolated from the physical 
and immaterial nature of both phenomenal and noumenal light. This separation of 
spirit and matter is the fundamental duality of all reality. Although, both 
aspects are essential parts of the whole, and thus, a metaphysical trinity. 

However, we also recognize (from this objective or energetic point of view 
which relates to light's aspect as the purest form of energy on any plane of 
manifestation) that there is also a duality between its unmanifest and latent 
noumenal state (initial Absolute abstract motion, spinergy or Akasha) and its 
manifest and phenomenal state (radiant light or Astral-physical matter). It 
follows, since matter is dual and spirit is one -- this corresponds also to the 
monadic trinity. In theosophical terms, we see this as Mulaprakriti containing 
both Perusha and Prakriti. Or diagrammatically, The point in the circle 
surrounded by the dark field.

What you are considering, is that consciousness or spiritual aspect of light 
that I only touched on when mentioning it as the "light of inspiration," " the 
light of intuition," or the "light of wisdom" -- which are, as you say, "all 
around us." This spiritual "light" that we sense or experience only through 
our intuition, is the noumenal light resting in the spinergy of the Absolute 
that is the Akasha itself, and contains all the wisdom in its infinite 
directions of spin coupled with its infinite levels of energy and infinite duration -- 
which could be transmogrified into infinite vibrational patterns in infinite 
time, with the potential of containing infinite knowledge or wisdom. 

Since the zero-point of pure consciousness or spirit around which the Akasha 
circles has no attributes of form or dimensional directions, there cannot be 
any metric or physical space between those points in our extended 3-D space 
(and all transcendent fields within and between it and its ubiquitous zero-points 
+ their spinergy or Akasha)... And, therefore, that "light of wisdom" must 
be, as you say, everywhere. It follows, that the only way it can be "sensed" or 
experienced is by our pure intuition that is the fundamental nature of the 
zero-point representing our individual center of pure self consciousness 
(awareness of I AM). 

Thus, we each can access this wisdom, provided we focus our concentrated 
attention to that point (at the metaphysical center of our triune monadic fields 
of Atma, Buddhi, and Manas). For purposes of understanding this connection, we 
can imagine these fields in our mind as twin bubbles (Manas, Buddhi) within a 
surrounding bubble (Atma) as symbolically shown in my chakrafield diagrams 
-- which, while not a picture of the true spherical fields of the triune monad 
(that exists in metaphysical space or the scientist's hyperspace) -- are a 
perfect geometric analog representing them, as well as picturing the spiral 
vortex flow of the continuous ray of light energy around them and through their 
triple zero-points of interconnection... Thus, constituting an inseparable unity 
(having three individual planes or levels of consciousness). 

The visualization of this monadic structure coupled with your description of 
the inner nature of light as both "presence" and "essence," and its function 
in levitating the soul so to speak from its lower to its higher nature, can be 
a great help in attaining such "enlightenment" during the deeper states of 
meditation. Such visualization is directly related to Patanjali's direction for 
meditation with and without a seed. 

As for "black light"... We might consider that for every emanation of 
positive "white light" from the primal force spinning in one direction -- there is an 
equal and opposite ray of equivalent negative force spinning in the opposite 
direction. Thus, if the positive light is the root of the visible matter in 
our experiential universe, the negative light would be the invisible root of 
what science calls the "dark" matter. it also may be related to the antimatter 
(the mirror image of physical matter) that would exist in an adjacent but 
inaccessible (to our physical senses or instruments of detection or measurement) 
negative series of analogous multidimensional hyperspace fields. The only way 
to symbolize these relationships is through the "real" or "imaginary" numbers 
that are the roots of pure mathematics. Perhaps these fields are the "dark" 
realms, spoken of vaguely in occult metaphysics -- where lost souls end up (the 
dark Halls of Amenti, perhaps, in the Egyption system).

Since the rules of symmetry as well as conservation are fundamental, and 
balance must be maintained throughout both the unmanifest and manifest Kosmos, 
every positive force must have an equal and opposite negative force. Therefore 
we can only directly experience the positive aspects of universal evolution... 
While the negative aspects, although real in themselves, must forever remain 
invisible to our Earthly senses. Yet, when one has arrived at the experience 
of purity of soul or enlightenment, and is conscious of the emptiness of the 
zero-point, its surrounding circle of opposing spin forces, in eternal balance 
as the root of both light and dark matter, should become immediately evident to 
our awakened pure (unconditioned) awareness. 

In a message dated 04/03/04 10:44:43 AM, writes:

Dear Leon,

Thanks for your thoughts. There may, as you suggest, be other dimensions of
this subject. For example, you speak of light in terms of coming from
somewhere and travelling to somewhere (else). This may well be true at one
level, ie the physical, and may be true at one level of each of the
different levels of being and experiencing. There seems to be a 'duality'
aspect to that kind of light, or at least in that way of describing it.

I wonder about that other kind of 'light' which is intimately connected to
Presence and which is sensed to be 'everywhere'. It does not appear to
come from one place and travel to somewhere else, rather it seems to shine
'through and around' all. Its radiance is both of the 'within' and of the
'without' -they are not separate. Paradoxically, there is no where (else)
for it (the light) to go. For there is no where that it is not. Nor has it
to do with time, so speed is not a characteristic of this light.

It may be true to say there is no such as thing as "black light" on this
physical plane, but are you sure the same applies to other planes of being?
On the physical plane 'darkness' (or what we ultimately call black) is the
absence of light. However on the inner planes, black may well be (I would
say it is) the presence of something, not the absence of something. There
are many shades of 'black' - which range from so called bad to good.
Metaphysically speaking, the ultimate darkness (to us) is Parabrahman. The
great mystery of Being, Itself. So 'black' at one level may be linked to
healing and wholeness, the opposite to our conception of it from the
physical plane consciousness.

On the matter of levitation, which seemed to be a topic at the beginning of
this thread, I guess we have looked at it so far from a semi psychic-mystic
point of view. The aspect of levitation which I think is more important,
if not fundamental, has more to do with the characteristic of the light
mentioned above, which is both Presence and Essence, and which by its
PRESENCE lifts the soul above the limitations of this mortal coil.
Invisibility (another aspect of this thread) is then more to do with the
dissolving of ego, the personal consciousness - at least for a time.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: 02 April 2004 11:20
Subject: [bn-study] Re: levitation and clear light

For those who might want to examine the nature of light further, the 
following is what I have understood was taught by HPB as well as all the 
Masters of occultism -- with a few additional comments related to modern and
post modern science. 

This is only skimming the surface, however, and much more can be said about 
the field nature of light and its relationship to the subsequent "coadunate 
not consubstantial" fields of phenomenal consciousness -- of which it
is the first expression or radiation of their overall substance or 
mass/energy/frequency spectrum on each plane or level -- as the fields of 
involve and descend fractally from the infinite to the infinitesimal... And,

spread their zero point centers from one to many, 


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