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RE: SINGULAR AND PLURALITY or perspective: light & color

May 14, 2004 06:31 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

May 14, 2004

Re: SINGULAR AND PLURALITY or , perspective: light & color

Dear Gopi:

By contrast and analogy, let me choose some ideas from MATHEMATICS.
Here is a progression which has helped me on this, But, of course, I
may be wrong. How do you think about it?

0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 = 10

If ABSOLUTE SPIRIT is quality-less, might it not be represented as
ZERO ( 0 ) -- as universally potent -- and therefore undefinable.

If, KARMA (action, vibration) is an aspect of this ABSOLUTE, its
immutable laws require periodic manifestation: or ONE ( 1 ) out of
ZERO. And following that, numeration -- the whole sequence of
numbers, and their vast relationships -- stretching, as in one form
of calculus, between INFINITY as ZERO ( 0 - no thing) and INFINITY as
( oo or ALL "things" and "NO THING" included ).

If ONE is singular and alone, then where and how does DUALITY arise?

In THEOSOPHY, as I study it, I see the idea of a change of "plane" of
perception. By that I mean one can mentally move from
"non-manifestation" to "manifestation." Karma does the necessary
bridging, since it contains (?) both the force of the past
incompleteness, and, the need for future "balance.  

I believe that these two impel the change from inertia to action.
Also from the plane of universal pralaya to universal manvantara. In
the SECRET DOCTRINE, ( I 64-6, 443) I find the "Stanzas of Dzyan"
seem to teach that this "change" is universal and simultaneous --
(perhaps to the materialist this is a "Big Bang?")

If one goes to the BHAGAVAD GITA ( Chapters: 14, 17, 7, 12) and
studies the Gunas (universal qualities of Nature) as Sri Krishna
speaks of them, one perceives that there is this eternal duality based
on the equally eternal "sattva" or SPIRITUAL PRESENCE that exists as a
"background" for all eternity.

Thus the ONENESS of the ABSOLUTENESS is in manifestation reflected as
DUALITY or the indestructible plurality throughout itself, of the

These are sometimes pictured as "rays," from the CENTRAL SPIRITUAL

One has in this a "SOURCE OF LIGHT ," the "RAYS," then, a "medium" (
Akasa ?) through which those vibrations are transmitted, and finally
an obstacle of "physical matter" (say, a screen on which those rays
are stopped and fixed as images of their SOURCE). Here are 4, or 5
steps in this symbology.

But since the physical brain-thought and understanding of ONE and
ONENESS is automatically limited in many ways, the more fundamental
idea of ZERO (or " 0 ") is used to represent the inexpressible and
quality-less ABSOLUTENESS ( Parabrahm ).

Then, in mathematics, we have some strange ratios that tend towards
infinity and form which there is in our physical-brain thought, no
final resolution.  

The ratio of PSY ( radius to circumference of a circle or
3.14.1528....) and , 

of PSI (the GOLDEN MEAN 8 = 5 + 3 -- if we divide 5 by 3 we obtain
it 1.6180339887....). These are two of the "incommensurable" ratios
which can never be finally resolved in our numerations.

One might say this is evidence of the universal prevalence of DEITY --
everywhere, but indefinable. And, the WHOLE is NATURE. Every "part"
reflects IT -- as in an infinite hologram. Some say "God is within
us, as well as everywhere." 

This is perhaps quite wrong in expression, but it is the way in which
I think about it.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: sensaru
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: perspective: light & color: part one

that is because duality doesn't exist. so no transition is needed. 
> From: Gopi 
> Date: 2004/05/13 Thu PM 12:40:53 EDT
> To: > Subject: [bn-study] Re: perspective: light & color: part one
> To think of What is Black is in the realm of thinking of What is
> Absolute!
> There are no shades there! Of course there is no Thought there. That
> in the area of Non-Duality Pure Love; not Emotional, Intellectual or
> such. There are no transitions from Duality to non-duality.
> Gopi
> ---
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