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Re: Theos-World Geoffrey Farthing's Views about the Teachings of Annie Besant & C.W. Leadbeater

Jun 02, 2004 09:46 PM
by ana maria torra

Apart from embracing you all, I would like to thank you for all your
discussions and for keeping me up with news relevant to the
Theosophical world such as the passing of Geoffrey Farthing. I
remember in August 25th 1999, I was translating Radha Burnier in a
Summer School in Barcelona (Spain), when I knew of Dora Kuntz's
passing, through your mail, and that was how Radha came to know about
it that day. I don't have much time to read all the mails on the list,
but I do it occasionally and today I found out about this recent news
too. I'll tell our people about it.

I remember translating Geoffrey, some years ago, too, in another
Summer School on the coast in Barcelona. He was an impressive man and
no doubt we are indebted to him for all his worthy contributions.

May his journey move on with grace and may he be experiencing all the
blessings he deserves.

A big global embrace to all the family on the list

ana maria

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