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Blavatsky on the IMPLICATIONS that she had performed fake occult phenomena

Jun 19, 2004 07:12 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Blavatsky on the IMPLICATIONS of the accusation
that she performed fake occult phenomena

H.P.B. wrote the following to Mrs. A.P.Sinnett
during the time when the missionaries and the
Coulombs had accused her of producing fake
occult phenomena:

You "cannot imagine how anyone knowing you (me) 
can believe you (me) guilty" -- guilty of the 
asinine actions charged upon me? Nor could I -- 
six months ago, but now I can. . . . Of course, 
you all who believe in, and respect the Masters 
cannot without losing every belief in Them, think 
me guilty. Those who feel no discrepancy in 
the idea (Hume was one of such) of filthy lying 
and fraud even for the good of the cause -- being 
associated with work done for the Masters -- are 
congenital Jesuits. One capable of believing that 
such pure and holy hands can touch and handle 
with no sense of squeamishness such a filthy 
instrument, as I am now represented to be -- are 
natural born fools, or capable themselves of working 
on the principle that "the end justifies the means." 
Therefore, while thanking you, and appreciating 
fully the great kindness of your heart that dictated 
you such words as -- "were I convinced tomorrow 
that you had written those wretched letters I 
should love you still" -- I answer -- I hope 
you would not, and this for your own sake. Had 
I written even one of those idiotic and at 
bottom infamous interpolations now made to 
appear in the said letters; had I been 
guilty once only -- of a deliberate, purposely 
concocted fraud, especially when those deceived 
were my best, my truest friends -- no "love" 
for such one as I! At best -- pity or eternal 
contempt. Pity, if proved that I was an irresponsible 
lunatic, a hallucinated medium made to trick by my 
"guides" whom I was representing as Mahatmas; 
contempt -- if a conscious fraud -- but then where 
would be the Masters?

Quoted from:

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