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Materialization or Precipitation of Matter: Leon versus HPB & KH???

Jun 29, 2004 01:04 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

I quote Leon's original contention again to refresh
our memory and then follow it with a number of
citations from HPB's and KH's writings. Interested
readers can compare and contrast the views given.

First Leon's original remarks are as follows:


It may be possible to
bend light by the powers of mind and will, and
project a visualized image of an object to appear
as a hologram -- which could be taken for the
real thing. I seriously doubt that anyone,
including those on the level of a Master
occultist, could actually manifest a physical
cup that someone can drink out of, or
dematerialize such a cup and re-materialize
it at a remote location....

If you carefully read "all" the writings of
HPB (as I have) you will find that she has consistently
denied such possibilities....


And even when I quoted additional remarks from
HPB given in her COLLECTED WRITINGS, Vol. IX, p. 239,
Leon tried to "wiggle out" with the following explanation:


But, even here, the only thing that is "made visible" 
by reflection of light is the outer surface or "form" 
of the object being manifest. Therefore, this is still 
an illusion of solidity -- since there is no need to 
recreate the inner structures of the object itself. 
It's quite obvious that the outer "form"of any material
object is not equivalent to the entire solid inner 
"body" of the object itself -- which may be composed 
of entirely different substances than the single side
by side atoms that compose its outer surface and 
which governs its reflectivity only.


Notice Leon is saying that the materialization would only
give "an illusion of solidity"; In other words, all we are dealing
with IS a mind-created TEMPORARY "hologram".

Now let us give the following statements by HPB
and KH. Keep in mind as you read them

(1) that Leon is contending that "If you carefully read 
'all' the writings of HPB (as I have) you will find that 
she has consistently denied such possibilities...."

I would assume that Leon also is saying that KH would
also deny such possibilities.

(2) that these precipitated letters mentioned in the
following extracts are physical. In other words, they
are still extant and quite physical. Therefore how
are they still maintaining their "illusion of solidity"
as Leon calls it?

Now the quotes:


...the vril or Akas -- as we call it -- is looked upon as an 
impossibility, a myth. And, without a thorough knowledge of 
Akas, its combinations and properties, how can Science hope to 
account for such [occult phenomena] phenomena [as the cup
and saucer or the precipitationof letters]? KH in THE MAHATMA


Does Bart and or Leon also view the Akas as "an impossibility,
a myth"?


It is through the power to see and use these "abstract" forms
that the Adept is able to evolve before our eyes any object
desired — a miracle to the Christian, a fraud for the
materialist. Countless myriads of forms are in that ideal sphere, and
matter exists in the astral light, or even in the atmosphere, that
has passed through all forms possible for us to conceive of. All that
the Adept has to do is to select the "abstract form" desired, then to
hold it before him with a force and intensity unknown to the men of
this hurried age, while he draws into its boundaries the matter
required to make it visible. How easy this to state, how difficult to
believe; yet quite true, as many a theosophist very well knows. . . .
H. P. Blavatsky in COLLECTED WRITINGS, IX, p. 239


The above quote is the extract to which Leon gave his "illusion
of solidity" explanation quoted earlier in this posting.


I have to think it over, to photograph every word and 
sentence carefully in my brain before it can be repeated 
by `precipitation.' As the fixing on chemically prepared 
surfaces of the images formed by the camera requires a previous 
arrangement within the focus of the object to be represented, 
for otherwise––as often found in bad photographs—the legs of
sitter might appear out of all proportion with the head, and so on, 
so we have to first arrange our sentences and impress every 
letter to appear on paper in our minds before it becomes fit to be 


In H.P. Blavatsky's COLLECTED WRITINGS, we find the following:



[The Theosophist, Vol. V, Nos. 3-4(51-52), December-January,
1883-1884, p. 64]

Of all phenomena produced by occult agency in connection 
with our Society, none have been witnessed by a more extended 
circle of spectators or more widely known and commented on through 
recent Theosophical publications than the mysterious production of 
letters. The phenomenon itself has been so well described 
in The Occult World and elsewhere, that it would be useless 
to repeat the description here. Our present purpose is more 
connected with the process than the phenomenon of the mysterious 
formation of letters....

...the Masters have been pleased to permit the veil to be 
drawn aside a little more, and the modus operandi can thus 
be explained now more fully to the outsider....

When the Master wants a letter to be written in this way, 
he draws the attention of the chela, whom he selects for 
the task, by causing an astral bell (heard by so many of our Fellows 
and others) to be rung near him just as the despatching telegraph 
office signals to the receiving office before wiring the message. The 
thoughts arising in the mind of the Mahatma are then clothed in word, 
pronounced mentally, and forced along the astral currents he sends 
towards the pupil to impinge on the brain of the latter. Thence they 
are borne by the nerve-currents to the palms of his hand and the tips 
of his finger, which rest on a piece of magnetically prepared paper. 
As the thought-waves are thus impressed on the tissue, materials are 
drawn to it from the ocean of âkas (permeating every atom of the 
sensuous universe), by an occult process, out of place here to 
describe, and permanent marks are left.


Please reread the very last sentence:


As the thought-waves are thus impressed on the tissue, materials are 
drawn to it from the ocean of âkas (permeating every atom of the 
sensuous universe), by an occult process, out of place here to 
describe, and permanent marks are left.


>From the Akas, materials are drawn and materialized to the physical
and PERMANENT MARKS are left on the paper.


And Master KH confirms the above in Letter No. 93(in the first three 
editions of THE MAHATMA LETTERS) when he writes to Sinnett about

"the precipitation by the chela of the transferred
thought upon (or rather, INTO) paper."

Vernon Harrison observed this "INTO the paper" phenomenon 
in his study of the Mahatma Letters available from Theosophical
University Press.

Mentioning the colors of the ink found in the letter, Koot 
Hoomi further says that the colors are "drawn from that exhaustless 
store-house of pigments (as of everything else) the Akasa."

Notice ALSO what K.H. writes about the precipitation process when he 
refers to the  

"process used by us when we write inside your closed letters and
uncut pages of books and pamphlets in transit." p. 263 in first
three editions of THE MAHATMA LETTERS.

All of the above quoted material simply CONFIRMS AND REAFFIRMS
what I have already given from Blavatsky and KH:


. . . your last note. . . was received in my room about half a
minute after the [akasic] currents for the production of the pillow
dak had been set ready and in full play. KH

I have to burn the letter with a stone I have (matches and common
fire would never do), and the ashes caught by the current become more
minute than atoms would be, and are re-materialized at any distance
where Master was..... HPB

Think only (a case with Solovioff at Elberfeld) I sick
in my bed; a letter of his, an old letter of his received in
London and torn by me, rematerialised in my own sight,
I looking at the thing; five or six times in the Russian language,
in Mahatma K.H.'s handwriting in blue , the words taken from my head,
the letter old and crumpled travelling slowly alone (even I could not
see the astral hand of the chela performing the operation) across the
bedroom, then slipping into and among Solovioff's papers who was
writing in the little drawing-room, correcting my manuscripts;
Olcott standing closely by him and having just handled the papers
looking over them with Solovioff. The latter finding it,
and like I flash I see in his head in Russian the thought:
"The old impostor (meaning Olcott) must have put it there!".... HPB

Suppose a chela receives an order from his Master to precipitate a
letter....Paper and envelope are materialized before him, and he has
only to form and shape theideas into his English and precipitate them.


More examples were given in the following posts:

I hope this sets the record straight.

Daniel Caldwell

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