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Re: Theos-World Thank You Katinka

Jul 23, 2004 04:45 AM
by krishtar

I am not aware of Anandaīs group, neither am I here to be his attorney orCWLīs, but, IMO, are we being theosophers enough to treat a man like Leadbeater with so much emphasis only in his bad qualities?
Is it possible that bad qualities just kill all the good work that a man has done?
I got to know theosophy by a book called " Life after death" from Leadbeater, 20 years ago,and it dropped me out of my spiritist and kardecist beliefsdue to the simple way that his books had on explaining about many missunderstandings on the after-life states.
Coming from a pedophile or not, distorted or not, it is far better than many other authors who spread much more lies and garbled versions of occult subjects.
I donīt write this in order to raise another polemics again here on CWLīs life.
I know that in in this list there are many fellows who dislike very much his line of work like you do.I respect their opinion.
Imo, we must find the good side of everything.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Andrew Smith 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:24 PM
Subject: Theos-World Thank You Katinka

I joined Anand Gholap's group only to find that he (and they) persist 
in defending CWL, whom I find defenseless. Anand is a man of good 
will, no doubt, but his theory of who deserves our respect in the 
Theosophical Movement is certainly awry. I, needless to say, droped 
out of that group, and joined the more rational one, which is where I 
am now. Theosophy, and HPB and WQJ, deserves more respect than the 
pedophile CWL brought to the Movement.  

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