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Re: Theos-World CWL

Jul 23, 2004 12:12 PM
by Anand Gholap

Thanks Andrew, we certainly are and will remain friends. As it appears you must have read Secrete Doctrine etc. which give broad principles of Theosophy. To know details I would suggest to read books of CWL and Annie Besant.
SOME BOOKS ON THEOSOPHY ( Divine Wisdom or Atmavidya )


(After studying these books it would be much easier for readers to understand other writing on Theosophy. )

1.Living Wisdom - P. Pavri

2.Theosophy Explained in Questions and Answers - P. Pavri

3.Life After Death - C. W. Leadbeater

4.Astral Plane - C. W. Leadbeater

5.Devachanic Plane - C. W. Leadbeater 

6.Study in Karma - Annie Besant 

7.Karma - Annie Besant

8.Man Visible and Invisible - C. W. Leadbeater

9.Thought Forms - Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater

10.Power and use of Thought - C. W. Leadbeater 

11.Thought Power it's Control and Culture - Annie Besant

12.Masters and the Path - C. W. Leadbeater

13.Path of Discipleship - Annie Besant

14.Masters - Annie Besant

15.Etheric Double - A. E. Powell

16.Chakras - C. W. Leadbeater

17.Astral Body - A. E. Powell

18.Mental Body - A. E. Powell

19.Causal Body - A. E. Powell

20.Self Culture - I. K. Taimni

21.Inner Government of the World - Annie Besant

22.Talks on the Path of Occultism - Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater

23.Vol. 1 - Commentary on ' At the Feet of the Master'

24.Vol. 2 - Commentary on 'The Voice of the Silence'

25.Vol. 3 - Commentary on 'Light on the Path'

26.Inner Life - Vol. I and II - C. W. Leadbeater

27.Hidden Side of Things - C. W. Leadbeater

28.Invisible Helpers - C. W. Leadbeater

29.Seven Human Temperaments - Geoffrey Hodson

30.Vegetarianism and Occultism - C. W. Leadbeater 

31.Our Relation to Children - C. W. Leadbeater

32.Monad - C. W. Leadbeater

33.Clairvoyance - C. W. Leadbeater

34.Solar System - A. E. Powell

35.Study in Consciousness - Annie Besant

36.Theosophy as the Masters see it. - Clara M. Codd

37.Practical Occultism - H. P. Blavatsky

38.Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy- H. P. Blavatsky

39.Key to Theosophy - H. P. Blavatsky

40.Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett - A. T. Barker

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Andrew Smith 
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 9:13 PM
Subject: Theos-World CWL

I did not mean to be unduly harsh on either Anand Gholap or CWL, but 
I have a wide range of reading of Theosophical history to draw from. 
CWL WAS a Theosophist--that is certainly something to praise him 
for. The Krishnamurti episode in India and the US was bizarre to say 
the least, yet, even though I don't care for Krishnamurti much 
either, both he and CWL added to occult understanding for us all. I 
will not refuse to read either person, and I am now (again) 
reading "The Ancient Wisdom" by Annie Besant. I knew a Hindu youth 
when I was a boy who not only knew of AB, but credited her highly for 
her work in India. I agree that we should not cast stones unfairly 
(ad hominem), for if we did that, few of us could stand. AB and CWL 
let their intuition and imagination run free, and thereby left a body 
of literature that has to be carefully considered in the light of HPB 
and her close associates. Of course we cannot become worshippers of 
HPB et al, but we need to "test all things" to use New Testament 
language, and especially test them against those like HPB and WQJ who 
seem to have more "gravitas" (to use an old Roman term) than those 
who let their imaginations run free. Mr. Gholap, please forgive me 
if I offended you--you seem to be a man of good will, and I believe 
that that is what Theosophists should be. Can we agree to be 
friendly opponents as we seek for the truth?

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