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Re: Pedro on "What year was C.W. Leadbeater born?"

Jul 26, 2004 06:24 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:

> Your "reply" (?) to my question about "What year
> was C.W. Leadbeater born?" is interesting but 
> in fact doesn't answer my question. I assume
> you didn't intend to actually answer the question. :)
> But I ask again:
> What year was C.W. Leadbeater born?
> Was he born 1847 or 1854??

I really don't know, Daniel, as I have no means to ascertain it. Dr 
Tillet's comments are quite extensive, of course. Personally, on 
this matter I tend to agree with the opinion of the late Dr Hugh 
Shearman. I know a number of cases of people in Brazil, for example, 
who had their births registered much after the actual date of birth. 
Apparently, this happens in other countries in the world as well.

Recently, I friend of mine in Brazil mentioned an interesting 
possibility regarding CWL's date of birth, certainly one that would 
not stand as an evidence in a HUBA court of law. This friend of mine 
has been a serious student of astrology for almost thirty years. He 
said that when he examined the horoscope of the date 16 February 
1854 it gives the characteristics and personality traits of a person 
who is very much different from C. W. Leadbeater, while the 
horoscope of 17 February 1847 bears quite a number of features of 
CWL's personality, areas of work and general traits.

My friend has promised to send me a brief comparative study of the 
two horoscopes, and when he does that I will post it on this list, 
if by that time I am not excluded from it because of my Church 


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