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Theos-World Re: ???

Aug 08, 2004 02:51 PM
by stevestubbs

--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:

> Don't pontificate about things you know nothing about. It only
> makes you look stupid.

Somebody has to nake me look stupid. Nobody else seems to be taking 
up the task. When you want something done right, I always say, do it 

You are mistaken if you are insisting that "Jehovah" was a Jewish 
deity. I read an article on this one time which explained where the 
name came from but do not remember where it is. You may have read 
too many copied of THE WATCHTOWER or some of that other Armstrong 
crap. Jewish teachers whose work I read in times past do refer to 
their deity as "Yahweh" and as "Hashem."

> This clouds Blavatsky's description in THE SECRET DOCTRINE,
> which, if one forgets the problem with names, makes the
> logical conjecture that a deva that attached itself to the
> Jewish people tried to communicate the truth, but the Jews
> confused the deva with the Unity it was describing.

Actually Blavatsky said Yahweh was the presiding genius of the planet 
Saturn, and as such was the mystical origin of the "monads" 
proceeding therefrom. The people whose monads had a saturnic origin 
were therefore "his" people. This is the sense in which they 
were "chosen." In her KEY TO THEOSOPHY she forgets all about Saturn 
and says Jews worship the moon, the way Muslims do. I don't buy any 
of it, but that is what she said.

The statement that it was an angel and not God which rapped with 
Moses, etc., is in THE TALMUD.

His Serene Holiness, rabbi Steve

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