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RE: Dogmatism and Heresy -- Free Will

Aug 16, 2004 06:47 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Aug. 16 2004

Dear N.

You ask why I make multiple "cross postings to various lists." I a word
-- I 

I hope some will read them and then try to make use of the ideas there. 

I do it so as to cover a large audience. Yes, I know others also subscribe
to several groups. I do too and in cases where I see the same thing more
than once and do not need it, I delete it. 

But I am handicapped and have to hoard my time. I could make a number of
specially designed headings with which to send the same material to
different groups - so what does that do? I do less effective work and loose

I am only trying to show how valuable THEOSOPHY is.  

I am not interested in any personal "following."  

Let the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS give their benefit to those who want to study
them -- they are a real treasure for those who wish to discover the secret
of the mystery of existence.

Let me explain.

There are many "opinions." [I have my own, but even those are unimportant.
What does a scientist do? He examines and tests, and when he is convinced he
has a fix on the right qualities and properties of a substance or a process,
he publishes those findings and invites other to check out his discovery.]

THEOSOPHY invites such probing and questioning. It has nothing to hide and
wants to make no converts. So I try my best to offer it -- as such a
treasure -- as I have profited from. But it can't be given away so easily
-- each one who gets an inkling of its value has to begin the work of
verifying, testing and proving those ideas and verities for him or herself.]

But it is extremely important to realize that NATURE (our Universe and
World) has ALREADY ESTABLISHED all the parameters of life-support that cover
the Earth and the Galaxies -- this is a very humbling condition. There is
positively no "GOD" of any kind that rules everything -- and seemingly most
whimsically. It is impossible to praise, or to give to one who owns
everything something that he / she does not already possess!

There is however a great UNIFIED SPIRITUAL BASIS that envelops the
illimitable space we call the UNIVERSE, and is not subject (as we are) to
TIME. It is impersonal, ever-present and serves all. It adjusts through the
sensitivity of karmic work every motive and action, thought and word that is
done or said by anybody, regardless of their nation, location, beliefs,
religion, etc... It is uniformly just, fair and wise.  

The evolution of all beings under its vast impersonal protection is a fact.
The Mind-principle is an eternal presence in all beings -- from the atom to
the Galaxy -- it is unified and protects ALL through the laws of

It does not "forgive." It requires that all justice and injustice be
recognized and balanced by the one who makes an original choice or a
decision. Hence we have only one "duty," (and in the depth of our hearts,
our intuition recognizes this) : we have to learn what universal law and
universal purposes are. They use and obey them. There are no exceptions.
Can we pit our puny desires and will against that of the world and the
Universe? Do we imagine that what we think and do are not observed? One
fact is clear: No one can be eternally selfish. No one can isolate
themselves from everything else.

One may say that the ultimate purpose of all life (ours included) is
PERFECTION -- spiritual KNOWLEDGE, and this may be attained by voluntarily
harmonizing ones life and work with the whole of NATURE. That, in a word
is the practice of BROTHERHOOD. 

It means that minds and beings far more ancient and powerful than we are
live and have lived to make this grand universal condition possible. We are
their "younger brothers." and they are the Elder Brothers -- the Masters of
Wisdom. They act and live, perhaps invisibly to us, and continually
encourage us to try to obtain for ourselves the knowledge and condition they
have acquired -- their ambition is to share all they have, but, for us, a
knowledge to use that, is imperative -- as the world and the Universe Under
its single Law of fair justice, shows us that they are impartial, wise and

THEOSOPHY is a single teaching that offers FACTS about the earth, about
man's constitution, about the origin of life and its ultimate purpose.  

Why are we here?  

Why so many difficulties and pain?  

These are questions that no religion or philosophy today adequately answers.
If a Prophet or Reformer taught these facts, the priesthood that has arisen
after their passing has tried their best to hide that information. 

That does not prevent one observing all around us: virtue, honesty and
uniformity are the only basic facts in the administrating of the world and
the universe.  

Another important and basic fact is that all beings (atoms, humans, worlds,
the galaxy) are immortals. They never die. They reincarnate (each having a
spiritual un-dying FORCE / POWER at their core) and, using form after form,
always progressing in knowledge and understanding. Everyone of us, and all
he rest -- all these -- have the same opportunities.  

We are all Immortals in search of the knowledge that will confirm this fact.
The road to spiritual wisdom is within. There, at the core of our own self
is the Spirit -- the ever-living, ever propelling, ever life-giving ATMA.
And the interior ATMA is at all times one with the Universal ATMAN. 

THEOSOPHY has a logic that proves itself, if it is studied carefully by
dedicated students. It is not for the dilettante. 

In writing, I try to give readers and students who may be subscribing
elsewhere, to other chat exchanges, a view of the trend in THEOSOPHICAL
thought and the flow of views.  

I emphasize, as you know. the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS -- if anyone wants to know
what THEOSOPHY teaches -- I try to provide sources and references.  

Many have opinions, but, are they able to substantiate and demonstrate and
prove them? The free flow of thought and inquiry is valuable for all of us.
But then, what do we do with it? What can anyone do with it?

I try to touch with questions and answers as many as are willing to read,
and then think and hopefully, like you, continue to probe and ask. 

Best wishes.



-----Original Message-----

From: Mort
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 4:27 AM
Subject: RE: Dogmatism and Heresy -- Free Will

Hallo Dallas and all,

My views are inserted in the below using ***.

(Dallas: Why not keep this thread at theos-talk? 

Why post it at BN-study and Theosophy Study List ?)

M. S

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