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Re: Theos-World RE: [bn-study] Re: freedom

Aug 24, 2004 09:21 AM
by ringding777

The problem with the real existing theosophical sects of today is not, that 
you are no teachers and that you are no leader, the problem is that if a 
teacher or leader would arrive you would combat him.
Studying the historical events around Katherine Tingley who was able to 
fulfill the karmic need of her time could be helpful.
There are no teachers and leaders today with us not because there are none, 
but because they are not welcome among Theosophists.
The end is dogmatism, blasphemism, ritualism, cant, hypocrisy as can be seen 
in the case of the "HPB letters" book. They lie. Always. All the time.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "MKR" <ramadoss@g...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: [bn-study] Re: freedom

Well said Dallas. If only we keep this in our mind, it would greatly help
our communication and discussions,

At 05:24 PM 08/23/04 -0700, W.Dallas TenBroeck wrote:
>We are all "students." None of us are "teachers," or "leaders,"
>nor do we bear any "titles."


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