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Re: Theos-World RE: The role of the Teacher or moderator ???

Oct 03, 2004 02:30 AM
by Morten N. Olesen

Hallo John and all,

My views are:

Yes. Plants are sensitive.
I have been gardening, you know. And where I live in Denmark it is wellknown
the plants grow more happily when they listen to music of Mozart than to
Rock and Roll.
Gardeners here in Denmark use this knowledge.

Let us Imagine a forrest and all the trees with their liveforce and then on
a global scale all the deforrestation, which have been taking place through
the last few decades. The question
remains whehter we will withness a rapid greater organic change or response
from the plants. Not to talk about the changes in the content of the
atmosphere and the temperature raises due to the greenhouse gasses.

Oversensitivity or greater sensiticity reactions to what most will call
minor incidents within a group of people are not always helpful. But from
time to time it most certainly is.

No theosophist lives on a lonely island even if such a theosophist member or
not member might
imagine himself or herself to do so. They world is quite organic. >:-)
Happy Smiles...

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: The role of the Teacher or moderator ???

> Morten,
> Thanks for your post. This afternoon I was reading another current time
> story of a Researcher on Biocommunication topic. So much of what I read
> with the words of Madame Blavatsky and also directly seems correlate to
> topics on this forum. Here is a very worthy topic "Biocommunocation with
> the research of Cleve Backster one of the unique contributors who, it
appears to
> me in his findings echoes Blavatsky and S.D. and Theosophy even though he
> never mentions any of them directly. While we wait for the Ageless Wisdom
it is
> everywhere around us. It a problem that we only accept a preconceived
> or form to see it?
> The Plants Respond: Interview with Cleve Backster
> To me here is an important perspective that crosses the Kingdoms and
> instructs directly and empirically quite a few things Blavatsky spoke of
and wrote
> about.
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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