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Re: Anand Gholap's widsom

Oct 04, 2004 11:35 AM
by Anand Gholap

If a person has 95 good qualities and 5 bad qualities, then one must 
write about those 95 good qualities AND 5 bad qualities. Then it 
coveys correct picture of that person to others. If one describes or 
writes about a person and always talks only about those 5 bad 
qualities then that amounts to lying because that conveys wrong 
impression to others. 
There are so many good things to talk about C.W. Leadbeater but I did 
not see you praising him. 
In short I would suggest you to carefully examine if your writing, 
whether biography or e-mail, contain proportionate amount of praise 
and criticism which would reflect true proportion of good and bad in 
the person. 

Anand Gholap

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