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Re: Theos-World preserving the unique opportunity of this list

Oct 08, 2004 09:29 AM
by clarity12.1@j...

Your task Eldon is commendable and not easy. My guidance on this matter is in an old sanskrit sutra

word and meaning united for right understanding
vag-artha-viva samprktau... (not including the whole thing here)

when we listen for meaning, the word barriers dissolve, or are fine tuned for more meaning, to at the least the consumer of what is heard.

thus, when words don't make sense to me, I ask what is meant. I usually learn something I would not have thought of and feel more knowledgeable being able to see from another POV. It gets me closer to the so called god's eye view. 

thus, in any forum, when each person really feels heard, not agreed with or disagreed with, but HEARD, then we can, through deep listening get closer to what I think the ZERO point of consciousness where intuition can pick up even deeper and more inclusive meanings, thus getting to experience that ineffable oneness.

It is worth the effort, methinks.


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