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Re: Theos-World "The Master" vs. your "higher self"

Oct 10, 2004 02:01 AM
by leonmaurer

I have studied several translations of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and find that 
one of the best translations for those who have English (especially American 
English and its idioms) as their native language, is the "Yoga Aphorisms of 
Patanjali" transliterated by William Q. Judge. His notes and interpretations -- 
with close relationship to the theosophical teachings in the SD -- give a very 
clear indication of what Patanjali actually meant. In a similar sense, his 
condensed treatment of interpreting the teachings of the Secret Doctrine in his 
"Ocean of Theosophy" -- without use of its confusing Sanskrit jargon and 
complex syntax -- also cuts through the current tower of Babel among students of 

Hope this helps.


In a message dated 10/07/04 1:10:44 PM, clarity12.1@j... writes:

>Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is the basic book from which all I have heard
>and read here so far, is the clear instruction to not get involved with
>"phenomena" (bells, whistles, imaginaries) of any kind that is off the
>path of purification and service, however one practices, of which there
>are many practices, according to the needs, cultures, development and 
>of the student, seeker, disciples et. al.(Of course, there MANY versions
>of the YS, according to the different schools. I h ave enjoyed studying
>in a agroup with sveral versions and trying to find common ground. 
>The bugaboo is lanaguage. Even the Zodiac is an imaginary projection on
>the sky. So, what we believe, or wish for or see, is what we get??? Or,
>as we have discussed, there is an objective, subjective and an actual,
>which when merged gives us access into IT, whatever IT may be. 
>We seem to need a universal language that brings all the different ways
>of talking about the same thing together.
>Perhaps, when we get the theory of everything together, as a scientific
>expression, with the necessary philos/metaphoric/symbolic visuals, it will
>help us out of latterday ruins of the tower of babel.

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