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Re: Theos-World Is this a forged Blavatsky letter and should it have been excluded from Vol I?

Oct 21, 2004 10:07 AM
by Bill Meredith


As I understand it, you are on the editorial board. Did the letters contained in the book entitled LETTERS OF HPB pass some muster regarding their authenticity? As a member of the editorial board did you, in that official capacity, conclude that this letter was authentic? It is not an issue of censorship. It is your stated position that a person should look at both sides of every issue before making a decision? If so may we rightly assume that before you made the decision to have your character, name, and reputation associated with letters published as LETTERS OF HPB that you did in fact look at both sides of the issue and make a decision that these letters were authentic?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: Theos-World Is this a forged Blavatsky letter and should it have been excluded from Vol I?

In an 1877 letter to her aunt, Madame Blavatsky wrote:

"Sahib [Master Morya] has been known to me for
more than twenty-five years; he came to London....
Since then I have not seen him, until I received
a letter from him...three years ago..."

[See Letters of H.P. Blavatsky, Vol. I, starting at
the bottom of p. 352 and continuing on p. 353.]

This statement by Blavatsky seems to contradict
what Blavatsky writes elsewhere about her relationship
with the Master Morya.

Therefore is this 1877 letter a "forgery" and should
it have ALSO been excluded from Volume I of
HPB's Collected Letters????

Daniel H. Caldwell

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