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re adepts, TMR

Oct 22, 2004 06:55 PM
by Mauri

Here's a couple of quotes (that might interest Paul, maybe, eg ...) from HPB about adepts:

<<"It is just because the highest attributes of adeptship have to do with
principles in human nature which quite transcend the limits of physical
existence, that the adept or Mahatma can only be such in the highest
acceptation of the word, when he is, as the phrase goes, “out of the body,”
or at all events thrown by special efforts of his will into an abnormal
condition. When he is not called upon to make such efforts or to pass
entirely beyond the limitations of this fleshly prison, he is much more
like an ordinary man than experience of him in some of his aspects would
lead his disciples to believe."

"If we keep constantly in mind that an adept is only truly an adept when
exercising adept functions, but that when exercising these he may soar into
spiritual rapport with that which is, in regard at all events to the
limitations of our solar system, all that we practically mean by
omniscience, we shall then be guarded from many of the mistakes that the
embarrassments of the subject might create.">>

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