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Re: Theos-World Theosophy in Practice_Gholap

Dec 14, 2004 01:34 PM
by krishtar

Hi anand!

Anand Gholap among other things quotes this marvellous excerpt::

"EVERY thought of man upon being evolved passes into the inner world, and becomes an active entity by associating itself, coalescing we might term it,with an elemental-that is to say, with one of the semi-intelligent forces of the kingdoms. It survives as an active intelligence-a creature of the mind's begetting-for a longer or shorter period proportionate with the original intensity of the cerebral action which generated it. Thus a good thoughtis perpetuated as an active, benefi­cent power, an evil one as a maleficent demon. And so man is continually peopling his current in space with a world of his own, crowded with the offspring of his fancies, desires, impulses and passions; a current which reacts upon any sensitive or nervous organization which comes in contact with it, in proportion to its dynamic intensity. The Buddhist calls it his "Skandha"; the Hindu gives it the name of " Karma". The Adept evolves these shapes consciously; other men throw them off unconsciously."

A question:
Coincidentally I am reading about the same subjects in a G. De Purucker book.
Why do spiritists raise so much resistence in believing in the truth behindthe phenomenons?
Why do they still insist in atributting to spirits of the beyond all the fenomenology involved?
Why is it so difficult to dome down the huge throne of egocentrism and see that what they worship as a Godīs gift is a " serpent behind " the rose as in the Voice of Silence?
Is it because it is simpler and more adapted to the humanīs ideas of the continuation of life in a way so similar to ours?!
Questions and questions...

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