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Re: Theos-World Re: Jerry Hejka-Ekins: "Pat Deveney has a fascinating article on A.L. Rawson...."

Dec 20, 2004 12:31 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins


Any board I subscribe to comes to the same computer and to the same mail box. I see everything sent to me including the spam. The appropriate board to post a question concerning a previous posting of mine is on the board where the previous posting originally appeared; in this case: theos-talk. For future reference: I have no problem if you want to quote me (in or out of context) on another board as a source or point of reference in order to argue for or against some point of your own. Though, if you do that, I suggest that you also mention where the entire post originally appeared and can be found. That is fair usage. Aside from fair usage, I do have a problem when I find my own material republished by others either electronically or in print where I never intended them to be. My point is that anything I write is my intellectual property. Therefore, I believe that I should be the sole person to determine where anything I write will appear. I'm sure that in the future you will respect my position, whether you agree with it or not. So thanks in advance.
Concerning your question, you previously wrote:

All I was trying to ask you with my first posting
was in a general context, in your opinion are there
"surprises" in Deveney's article that pro-Blavatsky
students (Theosophical apologists???] might have
a problem with and therefore might try to discount
by explaining them away?

The question you pose here is very much off the subject of my dialogue with Dallas, and derives from a quote which you pulled out of context of the subject, and, as I previous pointed out to you in two previous posts, the sense of the quote completely changes when it is taken out of the context of the entire dialogue. As I previously wrote, the subject of my dialogue with Dallas concerns the communication of Theosophical ideas to the general public. It is not about Theosophical history, even when references to that subject come up. Now, your question, appears to concern my opinion of Deveney's article. This is an entirely different subject, and one I never had any intention of pursuing on any discussion board. But to answer your question: Yes, in my opinion, some "pro-Blavatsky students" will be surprised by several of Deveney's statements and conclusions. In the past, Dr. Santucci has received letters of complaint whenever articles of this nature have appeared in Theosophical History. The problem is that TH is not a Theosophical journal. Rather, it is a research journal about theosophy. I know of several students of Theosophy who are unable to distinguish between these two kinds of journals, though I have tried to explain it to them. I'm confident that you very well know the difference, so I'm not going to explain it here.
I hope, this time, that I have answered your question to your satisfaction.

Daniel H. Caldwell wrote:

Initially when I posted my comments, I did not
know which of these 2 boards you were currently
reading, so I posted my comments to both.

Since then since you have also posted followup comments to both boards, I have also done so in case
readers on either boards were also interested
in the followup posts.


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