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Re: Theos-World Did Judge teach hatred ?

Dec 26, 2004 10:13 PM
by silva_cass

It's a small woolly little thing with two short horns and a tail 
with an arrow at the end of it to hold its prey in place while 
contemplating dinner time. It comes with a fork which it uses as a 
rotisserie by breathing hot flames produced from the salivary 
gland. It's food preference are Charcoaled (as in BBQ) Christians 
but when they are scarce or out of season, it goes for anything that 
can't think for itself, while doing the told you so, told you 
so,told you, told you, told you so dance. 

She who must be obeyed.

--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> ringding777@t... wrote:
> > Censor, hypocrisy, cant, lies - is that what your satanists 
> > Besant and Leadbeater taught you?
> What's a satanist?
> Bart

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