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Re: Christianity or not...any teacher but the teachings!

Jan 11, 2005 08:05 AM
by christinaleestemaker

--- In, "W.Dallas TenBroeck" 
<dalval14@e...> wrote:Hallo Dallis;
Right, everyone has to be his own teacher!!

So I think, Leadbeater if it is true what there is said,
his with boys; is living in the lower manas.

If he was of that kind, then maybe he was clearvisioned ( that can be 
on several levels), but not enough to see that he was ethically wrong.
All the people living on that level cannot be spiritual.
> Jan 11 2005
> Dear Friends:
> I would concur, and add: --
> Each one has to be their own teacher.
> Each one has at core of his/her own being: the immortal Spiritual
> Individual: ATMA-BUDDHI -- the MONAD. 
> Its intelligent tool is the mind MANAS. Manas in us does all the 
> "Leaders" on this plane are not needed, but friends and co-students 
> inquirers are needed. Each one has to be left free to investigate, 
test and
> decide their own future by independent choice. Yet we need to be 
able to
> share our perplexities and our wonder with our friends and co-
pupils in this
> wonderful school of life and of continued opportunity through 
> But the "ORIGINAL LITERATURE OF THEOSOPHY" is an excellent, and an 
> tool for all of us to study and test. How else would we recognize 
> ?
> It is for this reason that I present quotations and reprint the 
> writings of H, P. B and W. Q. Judge.
> Dallas
> -------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: christinalee 
> Sent: 
> Subject: Re: Christianity or not...any teacher but the teachings!
> After reading this kind of stuff it is good to see that we don't 
> the teachers but the Theosophy in its one pure state.
> The area of learning and not any teacher at all!!!
> Christina.

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