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Re: Question for Pedro & Anand about Leadbeater

Jan 17, 2005 03:14 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:

> Bart recently wrote about Leadbeater:
> ------------------------------------------
> His inappropriate actions included:
> 1) Sleeping naked with naked young men.
> 2) Taking baths with naked young men.
> 3) Teaching young men how to masturbate, 
> even if no actual showing or
> manipulation of sexual organs took place.
> -----------------------------------------
> When Bart uses the phrase "young men" we
> are talking about boys some who were only 
> around 14 years of age.
> My question to Pedro & Anand:
> If you had a young son of 14, would you
> want Mr. Leadbeater doing the above 3
> things with your son?
> Furthermore if you knew Mr. Leadbeater
> was teaching masturbation to your son and the
> teaching involved "a certain amount of indicative
> action" and that "touch" might have taken place,
> would you continue to allow Mr. Leadbeater to
> associate with your son?
> Daniel

If you can bring Leadbeater back to 2005 or take me back to 1906, I 
could answer the question.

The book "Theosophy or Neo Theosophy?", which is included in 
Balavstky Archives website and copiously quoted from here, includes 
many passages from the Minutes of the Advisory Board in London, 
1906, presided by Olcott.

One glaring omission in the book, and therefore in the quotations 
posted here to back up points of view that categorically state that 
Leadbeater was a child molester, is the FULL STATEMENT by Leadbeater 
at the time. His statement includes two important points:

1. His experience, both in Church groups as well as a clairvoyant, 
made it clear to him that the question of sex was the most important 
problem a young person faced in his or her development. He claimed 
he could see this as, for example, a cluster of sensual thought-
forms closing in around young people at times, exerting on them 
enormous pressure. Therefore he advised regular discharge 
(masturbation), as the alternative at that time was to resort to 

2. He declared, before the Board, that HE TOLD THE PARENTS that the 
first thing he did in his training of boys was to have a FRANK 
DISCUSSION WITH ON SEXUAL MATTERS, because of the reason expressed 
in no. 1 above.

In the flurry of "open letters" that circulated throughout the TS 
between 1906 and 1909, the majority accusing Leadbeater and treating 
him like a criminal, although there were many others supportive of 
him, there were statements by parents that declared their gratitude 
to him for helping their children to gain a balanced and spiritual 
development. These statements also remain largely ignored when the 
Leadbeater cas is discussed.


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