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Theosophy HPB SD Manas (L and S) and Intellectual Developement.( Dallis)

Feb 27, 2005 03:34 PM
by christinaleestemaker

--- In, "W.Dallas TenBroeck" 
<dalval14@e...> wrote
SD II 167/8.
Nor is it part of the evolutionary law that the 5 th principle 
manas,should receive its complete development 
before the FIFTH round,
All such prematurely developed intellects 
(on the spiritual plane )in our race are abnormal; they are those 
whom we call the FIFTH Rounders.

Even in the comming seventh race, at the close of this fourth Round, 
while our four lower principles will be fully developed, that of 
Manas will be only proportionately so.
This limitation ,however, refers solely to the spiritual developement.
The intellectual, on the physical plane, was reached duing the 
Fourth Root-race.

In another story she writes over the Lower(Lunar) manas and the Higher
(Solar) manas. And that is logical for this case.I cannot find back, 
because this keywords are not in any index.
Most of the time she explained and have to fullfill the story and 
later in another context she use the same level and in other words.
Because whe should know the meaning from before, otherwise we have 
not picked up well. That is her way of teaching.
I think that is a good way of teaching.
Allways prove your pupils!
Otherwise it is speaking to the deafs.
Vr Gr Christina

> Feb 25 2005
> Where does HPB mention: 
> "the solair way of the manas, as HPB mentioned"
> Searched for this bit failed to find it -- any help?
> Thanks
> Dallas
> ========================================
> Dallas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: christinaleestemaker 
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:26 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Theosophist, June 1936, p. 242 
> --- In, Jerry wrote:
> That is the same for what Jesus stands and after 2000 years
> we go to understand by dialoging, the value of Jesus and Blavatsky.
> If we take the solair way of the manas, as HPB mentioned, we 
> to develope our inner higher mind and see then that Jesus was the 
> way, we have to go to the level of higher consciousnesses.
> As HPB said the churches make their own story. 
> (To keep the people stupid and poor. That is my meaning)
> As Jesus said There is only ONE Unity and not all the separations 
> are made in the 2000 years through the religions.
> The same message is coming from HPB.!
> And for sure also before her time, there should have been 
> but that knowledge has been destroyed.
> Now, for the moment of this time, we must act and turn life into 
> HIGHER, solair Manasic work.
> Our Queen Beatrix is one of a kind of this actions and justice and 
> her natural way she promotes Theosophy.
> She have a righteous character and convinced influence.
> Not for nothing she is an Aquarian in the Zodiac.
> Many people have comments, but that is always against persons who 
> stand for their work, while the commentators do nothing then only 
> disagree.
> That you see everywhere, also Blavatsky have had comments on her 
> exhausted and devotional work, also she was A real LION in Zodiac.
> Greetings Christina

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