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Re: Theos-World Path of Occultism (AnandGholap.Net - Online Theosophy)

Mar 07, 2005 11:39 AM
by Anand Gholap

Subba Rao wrote " The other road is the precipitous path of 
occultism, through a series of initiations.....Occult progress, 
growth along this path, is effected by the Adept directing through 
the chela various occult forces...."(Esoteric Writings 113)

I am taking this from Clara Codd's 'Way of the disciple' page 120-121

Opening of consciousness and downpouring of divine energies is 
written after that but it is not in quotes so it is not clear if she 
is describing in her words what SR wrote or it is her own 
opinion/experience or knowledge.

Anand Gholap

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