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Re: Theos-World Bigotry, arrogance, and pretentiousness in the TM

Apr 09, 2005 04:50 PM
by adelasie

May I butt in?

I feel the need to mention the fact that, organizations being what 
they may, or may not, the basic principles of theosophy, or 
occultism, the ancient wisdom that is the heritage of humanity now 
and forever, is not damaged or in any way diminished, by the mistakes 
or the misapprehensions of those who try to penetrate it and become 
one with it. Each one who feels drawn to the study, who feels that 
here is something important, or comforting, or useful, or helpful, or 
stimulating, or worth sharing, or inspirational, or in any way 
however feels that his or her life has been somehow changed by 
contact with this ancient lore, has made a difference to the 
evolution of the whole human race. This is what matters. 
Administration is somewhat less important. 

All the best,

On 7 Apr 2005 at 16:13, kpauljohnson wrote:

> --- In, Jerry Hejka-Ekins <jjhe@c...>
> wrote: snip
> > On the other hand, the Theosophical Cause--that is--the efforts 
> made by 
> > the founders of the Theosophical Society has indeed been ruined. 
> > However, it is not the mistakes that may or may not have been made 
> by 
> > William Q. Judge or Annie Besant or Robert Crosbie or Francia LaDue 
> or 
> > Katherine Tingley or whomever else that ruined the Theosophical
> > Movement. It is the bitter and cultish-like closed mindedness and
> > resentments from too many present day members in any of the 
> Theosophical 
> > Organizations (including Adyar) that continues to spew forth its 
> poisons 
> > of bigotry, arrogance and pretentiousness which ruins the 
> Theosophical 
> > cause. 
> > 
> Hi Jerry,
> My 25 years of experience supports your 42, but more poison has been
> apparent on the Net than I ever saw in person or in print. Maybe it's
> for the best that the Net has provided a window into the sick soul of
> the TM. My guess is that something in the claims of occultism makes
> this problem inevitable. Occultism implies elitism, and elitism
> includes bigotry, arrogance, and pretentiousness.
> Although the TS was allegedly not intended to be occultist but rather
> theosophical in nature, the poison pill of the ESes in the various
> organizations defeated the intent. HPB might have been doing
> something positive in the short run by founding the ES, but in the
> long run Olcott was right to be aghast at the imperio in imperium.
> My 2 cents,
> Paul
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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