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Re: Theos-World Re:Erica - Anand

Apr 13, 2005 07:26 AM
by Erica Letzerich

I did not say he is infected with the Leadbeater virus. This is offensive and I did not intend to be offensive but to show him that he has more important things to do for the theosophical ideals. 


christinaleestemaker <> wrote:

Erica, the worse is that the subjects are comming on google search 
and yahoo,MSN and other search machines.
You are right, he is infected by the Lead Beater virus.
No things for help. All resisted.


--- In, Erica Letzerich 
> Anand,
> Vegetarianism is not synonymous of evolution and spiritual life, 
Hitler was a vegetarian, and elephants are also vegetarians.
> What are you doing???????????????? Do you think because Leadbeater 
was criticized you have to criticize Blavatsky????? What kind of 
silly technique are you trying to use??????? Are you a member of the 
Theosophical Society or not? I do not even ask if you are a 
theosophist because such e-mails would not be posted by a theosophist.
> Do you know what is going on here in Greece? What some people think 
about the a Satanist. Now you a member of the T.S. spreading such ad 
absurdum ideas on the NET do not help the cause. 
> So what do you wish??????????? To be the defender of CWL, BE! But 
do it decently without trying to put other persons down, because like 
this you go down too. So if you have any love for the Theosophical 
Cause and ideals, stop this postings.
> Also if you cannot stand the critics made to C.W.L. leave this 
group as Pedro did. You are not oblied to be here listening to 
endless accusations to CWL, but you do can keep your level and the 
least to express respect for others. It is not trying to criticize 
Blavatsky that you will get any credit to C.W.L.
> Now I am in a Greek forum that in two weeks had two thousand 
visitors there the theosophical society is accused of everything, the 
name of its founders (and this include Blavatsky are mixed with the 
worst ideas) and me like an stupid I keep posting trying to remove 
the wrong impression. While I open my mails in this group and I see 
members of the T.S. doing the great disfavor you are doing now Anand 
for the Theosophical cause. Because in the future your posts are 
going to be seen by others and do you think this will help the cause? 
Do not forget that Blavatsky is the main founder of the Theosophical 
Society, which you are a member!!!! You do not like Blavatsky, and 
you love Leadbeater join the Liberal Catholic Church and be a priest! 
But whatever you wish to do, do not keep sending all this non sense e-
mails. People will not change their opinion about CWL like this, and 
you posts are but a disfavour for the Theosophical cause.
> Erica 
> Erica Letzerich .'.
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