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Re: Re: Mr. Leadbeater is King of All Occultists (maybe Dugpas? )

Apr 17, 2005 02:43 AM
by leonmaurer

<> wrote:

>It is interesting to know some Christians are also radical and 
>fundamentalist. In Kashmir there is some problem but elsewhere there 
>is no much problem. 
>What makes me wonder is American society is so cosmopolitan, to some 
>extent cultured and still students of Theosophy there attack each 
>other's beliefs forgetting that everybody has right to follow anybody 
>or any philosophy.

You may have the right to follow anybody or any philosophy you believe in... 
But, if I know such a pseudo theosophical philosophy is wrong and the person 
who originally devised it a liar, I have the same right to attack it and him 
with as much vigor as I feel necessary -- which doesn't mean I am attacking you 
or your beliefs. 

Blavatsky never attacked anyone who believed in Catholicism -- but she made a 
raging attack on the Catholic Church, its priests, and the non theosophical 
philosophy they preached that led to the world ruled by their ordained Popes 
and Kings and the wars they promoted. Buddha never attacked his ignorant Hindu 
followers of Brahmanism, but he attacked the Brahman's and their wrong view 
interpretation of the Vedas that made their believers the slaves of the 
Brahman's ruling system.

The only problem I have with you, is that you seem to be a born propogandist 
as well as a hypocrit who always seems to mix up apples and oranges in the 
promotion of your beliefs based on the Liberal Catholic Church teachings of CWL 
-- as being the only truths -- while also attacking HPB and her students or 
disciples, and by reflection the Masters themselves... Who are definitely not 
the Masters who informed CWL of his occult knowledge. This, as Daniel 
repeatedly pointed out, is as plain as the nose on your face. 

By the way, from an occult point of view its interesting that the name "Lead 
beater" presages the hidden motive behind his two faced ripping apart of the 
Masters original teaching which came through HPB as the Lead(er) of the 
theosophical movement -- which it was his intention (if not mission from the Dugpas) 
to destroy and turn it into a messianic religion, capture all its extensive 
group of followers (That HPB's teachings originally brought in) and ordain 
himself as its Highest Bishop or Pope. The fact that you don't recognize that as 
pernicious and divisive anti theosophical politico-religious propaganda, leads 
me to believe that you are one of their present day, what we call in America, 
"stooges," and no friend of the Great white Brotherhood that gave us the 
Secret Doctrine and the Voice of the Silence to base our theosophical beliefs and 
practices on -- neither of which needs any reinterpretational distortions to 
justify your Liberal Catholic religious beliefs.

So, let's come down off your self righteous high hat -- while I use my 
"rights" to "expose" (not attack) anyone I know to be, in the words of the Master 
Jeshuah, the Christ, a "False Prophet," and any philosophy I know to be, in the 
words of Master Guatama, the Buddha, a "Wrong view."

The "New World Order" messianic ruling system of the Hierarchy of Descended 
Masters promoted by AAB and modelled on the false views of CWL and his 
mesmerized "Trilby" AB, are nothing more than the attempt by the "Masters of the Dark 
Side," or "Dugpas" in theosophical terms, to convert the philosophy of 
theosophy into the same sort of dictatorial organized Catholicism that HPB and the 
agents of the Masters of the Light Side before her fought against for centuries. 
Unfortunately, the Christian Right in America has fallen for this same 
misleadng philosophy, and the world will soon feel its oppressive heel as it 
forcefully promotes its ideas of democratic freedom throughout the world -- 
empowered by economic slavery controlled by a small ruling hierarchy that owns the 
bulk of the world's natural resources that they continue to exploit rapaciously. 

So, since we all now recognize your propaganda techniques and have exposed it 
enough times in public view, maybe you should back off a bit with your 
criticisms of others, who have the right to be what they are, and talk about their 
own beliefs in their own way... As well as the right to counter argue (or 
"attack" as you see it) any philosophy or belief they know is wrong and pernicious, 
and call a spade, a spade. 



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