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Re: Theos-World Sorcery and problems on the Path

Apr 23, 2005 09:09 AM
by M. Sufilight

Hallo all,

If I may?

The law of life of the Mavantara is always protecting everyone.
God - Parabrahman is within - and is so very much more wise,
that the readers of these words in their present state of mind
have any imagination about.

But, yes it is a bit scary.
If any of you have ever seen the movies called "Scanners"
or just Darth Vader in Star Wars and his "late" friend Captain Needa,
you get a good glimpse of what possibilities we are talking about.

Dion Fortunes: PSYCHIC SELF DEFENCE seems
interesting to ponder.

Nasty stuff indeed.

And if one compares that to some of the present day childrens cartoons -
like : the Smurfs, gummi bears, Pinky and The Brain, the Chronicles of Narnia (which I also have read)
and more - which so many children know about -
we will see, that many of us are getting prepared to what will
come - either because of unwanted circumstances or because
we need certain experiences to develop our spiritual
heart of compassion to a higher level.
We will have to learn the difference between god magic and bad magic.

Real life is of course a stronger teacher than a screen with dots and colors.

Well, just a few views of mine.

M. Sufilight

Some of us are getting too old for this stuff...:-)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Hamilton Jr." <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Sorcery and problems on the Path

Yes, but one who isn't protected by the master may not have the skill
required to defend themselves.

There is a distinction, which I've mentioned to someone directly
contacting me, between a higher state and a lower state. The higher
state is Mahatmaship, and the lower state is the temptation (from
whatever source) attempting to make you shift course.

I distinguish between the two because the the lower state is always
there until you fully attain the higher state. It feels like an easy
way out or a misdirection.

I'm just using my terminology, though. I'm sure they described it similarly.

-Mark H.

On 4/22/05, Cass Silva <> wrote:

Dear Mark,
My understanding is that the disciple, when on the path, is protected by the master, until the time, he must face the "temptation" himself. However, the initiate, when on the path proper, has been armed with fore-warning and knowledge? The choice is his.

"Mark Hamilton Jr." <> wrote:

Thank you for this article

One can increase their defenses through occultism which will at least
help the initiate. If the initiate needs help, they can ask for
assistance from their master.

There are also other dangers, which usually come as physical maladies,
such as sudden episodes of dizziness.

Some of these dark masters take advantage of both resonant and bound
energies. Resonant energies stay for a long time and influence the
initiate. Bound energies directly affect the body of the initiate. A
master of the arts can remove binds and dispel negative influences
with quite some ease.

-Mark H.

On 4/22/05, M. Sufilight wrote:
> Hallo all,
> My views are:
> The following might be helpful...
> - - - Danger from the Dark side - - -
> I only want at this point to lay emphasis upon the fact that no danger > need be
> feared by the average student from this source. It is only as > discipleship is approached
> and a man stands out ahead of his fellows as an instrument of the White > Brotherhood
> that he attracts the attention of those who seek to withstand.
> When through application to meditation, and power and activity in > service, a man has
> developed his vehicles to a point of real achievement, then his > vibrations set in motion
> matter of a specific kind, and he learns to work with that matter, to > manipulate the fluids,
> and to control the builders.
> In so doing he encroaches on the domain of those who work with the > forces of involution
> and thus he may bring attack upon himself. This attack may be directed > against any of
> his three vehicles and may be of different kinds. Let me briefly point > out some of the
> methods employed against a disciple.
> 1.
> Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed > to hinder the
> usefulness of the disciple through disease or the crippling of his > physical body. Not
> all accidents are the result of karma, for the disciple has usually > surmounted a good
> deal of that type of karma and is thus comparatively free from that > source of hindrance
> in active work.
> 2.
> a)
> Glamor is another method used, or the casting over the disciple of a > cloud of emotional
> or mental matter which suffices to hide the real, and to temporarily > obscure that which
> is true. The study of the cases wherein glamor has been employed is > exceedingly
> revealing and demonstrates how hard it is for even an advanced disciple > always to
> discriminate between the real and the false, the true and the untrue. > Glamor may be
> either on the emotional or mental levels but is usually on the former.
> b)
> One form employed is to cast over the disciple the shadows of the > thought of weakness
> or discouragement or criticism to which he may at intervals give way. > Thus cast, they
> loom in undue proportion and the unwary disciple, not realizing that he > is but seeing the
> gigantic outlines of his own momentary and passing thoughts, gives way > to
> discouragement, aye even to despair, and becomes of little use to the > Great Ones.
> c)
> Another form is to throw into his mental aura suggestions and ideas > purporting to
> come from his own Master but which are but subtle suggestions that > hinder and
> help not. It takes a wise disciple always to discriminate between the > voice of his
> real Teacher and the false whispers of the masquerading one, and even > high initiates
> have been temporarily misled.
> Many and subtle are the means used to deceive and thereby curtail the > effective output
> of the worker in the field of the world. Wisely therefore have all > aspirants been enjoined
> to study and work at the development of viveka or that discrimination > which safeguards
> from deception. If this quality is laboriously built in and cultivated > in all events, big and
> little, in the daily life, the risks of being led astray will be > nullified.
> 3.
> A third method frequently employed is to envelop the disciple in a > thick cloud of
> darkness, to surround him with an impenetrable night and fog through > which he stumbles
> and often falls. It may take the form of a black cloud of emotional > matter, of some dark
> emotion that seems to imperil all stable vibration and plunges the > bewildered student into
> a blackness of despair; be feels that all is departing from him; he is > a prey to varied and
> dismal emotions; he deems himself forsaken of all; he considers that > all past effort has
> been futile and that naught remains but to die. At such times he needs > much the gift
> of viveka, and to earnestly weigh up and calmly reason out the matter. > He should at these
> times remind himself that the darkness hides naught from the God > within, and that the
> stable center of consciousness remains there, untouched by aught that > may betide.
> He should persevere until the end, - the end of what? The end of the > enveloping cloud,
> the point where it merges itself into sunlight; he should pass through > its length and out
> into the daylight, realizing that nothing can at any time reach to and > hurt the inner
> consciousness. God is within, no matter what transpires without. We are > so apt to look
> out at environing circumstances, whether physical, astral or mental, > and to forget that
> the inmost center of the heart hides our points of contact with the > Universal Logos.
> 4.
> Finally (for I cannot touch on all the methods used), the means > employed may be to cast
> a mental darkness over the disciple. The darkness may be intellectual, > and is consequently
> still more difficult to penetrate, for in this case the power of the > Ego must be called in,
> whereas in the former frequently the calm reasoning of the lower mind > may suffice to
> dispel the trouble. Here, in this specific case, the disciple will be > wise if he not only
> attempts to call his Ego or Higher Self for the dispelling of the > cloud, but calls likewise
> upon his Teacher, or even upon his Master, for the assistance that they > can give.
> These are but a few of the dangers encircling the aspirant, and I hint > at them solely for
> the purpose of warning and guidance, and not to cause alarm.
> from
> M. Sufilight
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