[Date Prev] [Date Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] Purucker: "I am the intermediary or mediator between the Great Lodge...."

May 06, 2005 09:14 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

G. De Purucker wrote:

"If I can only infuse into the membership of 
our Society all over the world, the enthusiasm, 
the power, the Lodge-force, that is now pouring 
through me, our successes will be unspeakably 
brilliant! You will assuredly receive in time 
some of this Lodge-force; for as I am the 
intermediary or mediator between the Great 
Lodge of the Masters of Compassion and Wisdom 
and the general membership of the T.S., and 
more particularly of the E.S.: being the channel 
through which the Lodge-forces pour: so also am 
I therefore the Teacher, and will hand on what 
I may and can to those who prove themselves fit 
and ready to receive." 

"Consequently, it will be my duty as soon as 
time and strength permit me to do so, to issue 
new E.S. teachings of a far deeper and more 
esoteric kind than those which were issued 
even by H.P.B. or by W.Q.J., or by our Beloved, 
Katherine Tingley. This I can do for the simple 
reason that these, my three great Predecessors, 
never had the opportunity to do what Karma now 
impels and compels me to do: to besiege the Portals of Destiny and 
to open a way into the Mysteries, because the members, through the 
life-work of our beloved K.T., are now ready to hear and therefore 
to receive what I can give them -- an opportunity of incalculably 
splendid promise which neither H.P.B. nor W.Q.J. nor even K.T. had."


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