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Re: Theos-World France says 'no' to EU constitution

Jun 03, 2005 03:55 AM
by Iain

Dear Erica,
It is always the case, when the origins of an organization laid in its simplist form are good and pure and are acceptable to all, then it is wonderous and noble.
But as always happens others then follow and add bits on that is of benefit to their own cause and disregaurd the original ideals and objects, for their own perceived advantage.FRom them sections,lobbys, presure groups,focus groups all promoting their own agendas, the mis-appropriation of funds, dishonesty,Fraud,advantage payola and corruption.have to be sorted out and stopped.

So perhaps back to the basics again is what is required.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Erica Letzerich" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World France says 'no' to EU constitution

England kept their coin from the beginning of the change of the Euro, while all the other countries in EU eliminated their coin changing it to Euro. Well about people thinking for themselves that would be a sweet dream. All this people that voted against the EU most of them are influenced by extremists, anarquists and the worst most of them which voted against the EU did not read it. One of the biggest fears in the air was the possibility of Turkey to join the EU. TO unity respecting the diversity intrinsic to every people and culture in Europe was a noble step towards the ideals of Universal Brotherhood. The EU constitution is quite noble and if you read it you may judge by yourself.

There is nothing like equality in terms of perception and ability to understand. They should have at least established some parameters for the people to vote which would be to read the EU and to proof that one did so. Every people considers itself better than other people Greeks they think they are the best people on earth, as much Germans think the same and also the French and so on and so forth.

All this discourse people can think by themselves is an illusion. Go and ask someone which are the main projects running into the national congress, who are the senators, or who are the members of the parliament I think you hardly is going to find someone able to answer this for you. But they can answer that they do not like the Greeks in the corner.


Cass Silva <> wrote:
What I think is really fantastic about all this is that people are starting to think for themselves and not be mesmerized by the politicians.
If England can retain its own currency and still be part of the EU, why cant the other countries in Europe do the same? The immigration clause seems to be the hurdle as people don't want to risk their income. The immigration system worked well here because we needed more people, but in Europe, this is the opposite, some of the poorer EU countries can hardly afford to keep their own without putting more pressure on locals by having immigrant workers prepared work for lower wages.

My daughters have been in UK for 5 years now and both say that immigration has caused many problems there, especially with the Jamaicans.

Iain wrote:
Dear Erica,
Sorry, but there is no crisis in Europe. Yes there are a
few problems,If you look back to my Email to Cass the other day , I think I
have explained that the problem is that the politicians who are riding the
gravy train have hit the buffers, the people have flexed their muscles and
said we are not going to let politicians tell us what is good for us.The
vast majority of Europeans want to keep their own identities, parliments and
regional variations, we want a loose confederation of countries all working
and co-operating together. Greece has had it hard with the economy, but so
has many other EU member states. We in the UK saw what was going to happen
with the single currency, so we opted out, that is why the Pound is strong
against the US Dollar and the Euro.Germany,s economy was damaged with the
unification of East and West, the afflunt West Germany suddenly had to deal
with the rebuilding and development of East germany, but on top of that the
change from the mark to the Euro, made their economy unstable, buisnesses
had to cut back causing high unemployment then, with migrant workers from
the former Warsaw Pact countries has caused resentment as the indiginous
people now have to compete harder for jobs for lesser wages.
The Constitutional vote has been the only weapon that the people have
to make the politicians to stop,think and revalue their stratagy. I do not
think that the people are against Europe, I beleive this is a benefit to
all, there are things that are not right and have to be fixed and sorted.
The EU will continue as it has been for years, it is now that those that are
making large amounts of money from the EU, wether it has been by subsidy,
back slapping, or down right fraud, has to be stopped before the EU will
work properly. THose profesional polititians who flit between, Brussels,and
Strasburg and where-ever with there free travel, free meals and subsistance
allowance that is second to none. Their answer is simple , just have another
series of meetings, and if we cannot solve the problem, then just have
another series of meetings.
cheers Iain
----- Original Message ----- From: "Erica Letzerich"
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World France says 'no' to EU constitution

Well lets wish the best solution will be found to pass through this
crisis without major problems and conflicts. Germany has risen from
ashes and maybe such problem will be easy for them to deal with if
they decide to leave the EU. But I am afraid it will be no so easy
for Greece to deal with.


--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer"
Erica, you misunderstand me if you think I write
about political views.
I write about mundane dangers from a theosophical
view, which deals rather with principles and truth
than with ideologies.
When HPB warned the world about the conspiracy of
the commune and that socialism and communism will
lead to a bloodshed for millions she had no
political agenda at all.
Her business was compassion and brotherhood. The
20th Century justified her.

The same can be said from HPB's esoteric
successor, Katherine Tingley:. and her certain
clear and in the aftermath justified warnings and
protest concernings serveral incidents which
opened the Pandora's box:
1913 against FED-coup; honored Senator Lindbergh
who opposed FED
1916 against US war with innocent Germany
1917 against Balfour declaration
1918 against Wilson's break of his 14 points for
Germany, intrigued by Samule Untermeyer
1919 against Versailles "treaty" with the "desk of
the unknown ones", warnings to FM
1922-26 her propaganda tours throu Germany against
the foreign rule and stealing Germany's colonies

to name but a few conspiracies of the brothers of
the shadow against humanity.
KT had like HPB no political agenda. Her business
was also compassion and brotherhood.

The Euro has no future as also the EC monster,
which is rather an Adyar-like parody of what HPB
understood by brotherhood.
The "elite" (if there is any after the
"liberation") in Germany discourses now publicly
the return to the Mark.
The EC is the continued Allied war against Germany
with economial means.
When Germany will soon shake off the
Jewish-Freemasonry foreign rule (she has proofed
it in the past several times that she is able to
make such a wonder happen) a new and true German
government (not a puppet regime we have now as
also in Iraq and Afghanistan), Germany will end
the biological, ecological, economical, military
and national soul atroticies against her and leave
the EC.
That will be the end for that satanic monster as
Germany has paid more than $300 Billon for it
(extorted protection money) for the luck of its
bitter enemies.
Without the milk cow Germany there will be no EC
and no NATO.

From that point of view your statement looks a
little bit silly as with the EC and NATO councils
in Brussels the high degrees of the East coast
control Europe.
Only without Euro, EC and NATO Europe will be free

More and more people awake from 60-years hypnosis
the "independent" mass media forced upon the
innocent peoples.
I'll keep the fingers crossed that the Communists
will receive many more NO votes and the planned
Super-GDR with complete Stasi-control plus Western
Computer technology will not happen.
Otherwise we will be over the point of no return
and kali yuga will come.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Erica Letzerich"
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World France says 'no' to EU

Dear Frank,

As it seems we do not share the same political
views so would be
pointless to discuss about it. :) If a domino
effect really takes
place Europe is going to pass through a crisis,
one more between so
many in its history. They rush into changing the
coin into Euro, of
course the Euro also will fall eventually (if the
NO goes on)
affecting the economy in Europe. And that will be
for the happiness
of USA economy which was challenged with the Euro.
Bush must be
laughing of happiness right now.


--- In, "Frank
> Erica (I like your German first name), and The
> Netherlands says also NO.
> The German people would have also liked to say
> NO,
> but "our" "agents" did not ask us, the
> "sovereign".
> Thank you to the French and the Deutch!
> You have saved Germany, too.
> The freemasonic bolshevistic counsil system in
> Brussels is balked.
> In the USA they had more success right now.
> Markus
> Wolff, ex Jewish boss of the GDR sadistic and
> satanistic Stasi secret service is since Jan. 01
> consulter of the Department for Homeland
> Security,
> which is an imitation of the monster Stasi.
> The US gojim do not read about what REALLY
> happens, as they control over 80% of the press,
> as
> Kennedy just a few weeks ago in Germany.
> Frank
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Erica Letzerich"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World France says 'no' to EU
> constitution
> France says 'no' to EU constitution, plunging
> Europe into crisis
> PARIS (AFP) - French voters massively rejected
> the
> EU's first ever
> constitution, dealing a rude slap in the face to
> their governing elite
> and a potentially fatal setback to the
> continent's
> ambitious plans for
> deeper political union.
> European leaders fear the French "no" could have
> a
> domino effect in
> other countries planning to hold referendums --
> first of all the
> Netherlands which has a non-binding national
> vote
> on Wednesday.
> Britain has hinted it might scrap a planned
> referendum if France voted
> down the constitution.

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