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the clairvoiance of a seer or a Mahatma´s view?#1

Jun 13, 2005 06:24 PM
by krishtar

Daniel , Dallas, Anand
There is a strong and antagonitic contrast between these statements below, that show both Leadbeater and master KH about the after-death states.
Is up to the theosophist to choose the best explanation:The clairvoyance ofa seer or the view of a Mahatma?


CWL writes: "...On the contrary, man remains after death exactly what he was before it — the same in intellect, the same in his qualities and powers;.."

CWL writes:"...Yet it is a definite fact that the ties of affection are still as strong as ever, and so the moment the man is freed from the chains ofhis physical encasement he naturally seeks the company of those whom he loves...." 

Master Koot hoomi writes:

"..."There can be no conscious meeting in Kamaloka 
hence no grief. . . . in Kamaloka there is as a 
rule (apart from vicarious life and consciousness 
awakened through contact with medium) no recognition 
of friends or relatives. . . . We meet those we 
loved only in Devachan. . . ."

Master Koot hoomi writes:

"But why should they [the dead] 'communicate' 
[with the living]? . . . how can an unconscious 
5th principle [Manas - the Mind] . . . impress 
or communicate with a living organism . . . ?"

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