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Are Masters sincere?

Jun 24, 2005 08:55 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev

>--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" wrote:

> When and if KH knew from the beginning taht Sinnett
> will refuse to support the Phoenix project some years later

Probably you didn't understood the story. Have you read that book
on Caves & Jungles?
We cannot compare Narayan with Sinnett, for there were no
changes in Narayan's legal status during his probation; he was
married from the early childhood, and the Master should know that.
Moreover, from HPBs words it seems to follow that it was a
common practice to be married from childhood in India of that day,
so Masters probably knew how to deal with that difficulty if they
really wanted to accept Narayan otherwise they cound have no
chelas at all.

So I conclude that the real cause was a failure of Narayan as a
probationer, but Master wasn't sincere enough to announce it to


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