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Jun 27, 2005 05:31 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

June 27 2005


Steve: As I see it:

Behind myth, is there not a probability, a memory (however distorted) of a

All myths arise from observation of some event, and the memory or record
thereof may be distorted. An unusual event, or a surprise, tends to
emphasize the unusual LAWS that were imported to produce an event. But they
to do not EXPLAIN it. Nor are the less known Laws of Nature easily deduced.

For instance, if the evidence of the Astral Light and of Astral Matter -- as
underlying patterns of electro-magnetic force -- linking atoms and
molecules into structures, were employed, much more could be explained. And
vast improvements on psychological matters in living human beings could be

What a difference it might make if we all looked on each others a
fellow-immortals, and on vicious characteristics and selfishness as merely a
"disease." I mean a CURABLE disease. 

Look at THEOSOPHY. In reality, it is a report, however fragmentary seeming,
of HISTORY. [ S D I 267 4 lines from top. ]

It includes the history of the occult, & the esoteric, and hints lead the
careful reader to see what LAWS may underlie the unexpected. [ read ISIS
UNVEILED I 457-9 for such an account -- was it ever believed in England ?

To a first-time meeting with savages the shooting of a man with a bullet
appears to them as magic ! a myth could develop in some circumstances.  

That which "prevails" is truth, and the rest fancy or folly. The record in
the akasa alone can verify.

I think "the black adept" may well be the 'kama-rupa' (a group of skandhas
we have made up or created in our past, which, like a dreadful "dugpa" still
resides in us (horrid thought); and because of our KAMIC connection (we made
it through selfishness, lack of brotherhood, and our desire for personal
enjoyment and isolation). Now, we have to cleanse and purify them of those
impressions, or our responsibilities are not completed. [As I see it, the
whole process could be summed up in saying that all the monads impregnated
by us with our selfish Kama have to be transformed (by us) into Buddhi,
(brotherhood and selfless impersonal attitudes and actions).  

Every "initiation," then, is a step in the process of regaining our
spiritual capacity, unity, vision and power to act impersonally and only as
a "force for good." 

Initiation (as I see it) relates to acceptance and implementation of mental
disciplines in regard to our desires -- to impersonalize and universalize
them, thus purifying them. Kama-manas is thus transformed into pure
impersonal Manas, and then into Buddhi-Manas in all possible ways - thus
creating the "Bodhisattva" [one who is wise in purity]. (Voice: pp. 44-47,
74 - 79; see also carefully, Patanjali: pp. xiv - xx. Who, or what is the
user of the WILL ?)

As I understand it, we, AS AN IMMORTAL MONAD, are RESPONSIBLE because of our
capacity of ATTRACTION, for the education and sustenance of other monads of
lesser experience that accrete around us. [S D I 174-5 fn]

Somewhat like chelas around an Adept.  

When the "chelas" achieve a degree of mental independence they take over the
responsibility for their own self-purification and the control of their
Kamic-sheath of skandhas-monads. 

What then is initiation? Is it not an awakening in us to a deeper
understanding of Law and its implications of the vast communality of
brotherhoods implied in the concept of immortal monads everywhere?  

Is it not extremely intimate to ourselves and others ? Is it not thus an
assuming of a wider responsibility? Is it not a step upward in terms of
practical spiritual living? Is it not an incentive and encouragement for us
to seek our own ATMA -- the HIGHER SELF WITHIN ?  

No one is "given" anything. All is proved and earned. It is gradual; until
at some time, when WORTHY, the chela may undergo some special processes --
and of these we only have a few hints and guesses.  

And of these "myths" arise ? They only arise when there is a degree of
ignorance about the reality of the event. They arise because the physical
observer using his physical senses and brain-mind tries to interpret occult
and esoteric events purely from that limited point of view.  

Take the translations made of THE BOOK OF THE DEAD, as an example. Only a
student of THEOSOPHY acquainted with its major teachings and principles can
make any real sense out of it. Same for many of the Geek and Scandinavian

As I see it we need first of all to work on our own lower natures, when
those are cleared, we can assist others. Before that clarity is achieved,
we could easily lead ourselves and others astray. So ? How do we assure
ourselves of achieving harmlessness ? 

Best wishes, 



-----Original Message-----
From: steven levey 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 7:09 AM

Hi Dal-

In a way there is a point to be made in this:

"We can interpret this in a different way. Not only the God is mythical, but
the Devil or rebellious angel in any of its popular versions as well. But if
Jesus was a real man, why not that bad guy HR spoke about as well? Your
interpretation versus mine. Who will prevail? :)"

But the problem, I think is, that it doesn't phiosophically serve to have
had Satin (as in get- thee behind me Satin) to have been an historical
figure, as say, a Black Adept who might have "off set" the existence of
Jesus (as a real man), like Ravana in the Ramayana, to Rama. Since it can be
established that the entire mythos surrounding Jesus "reduces" to the life
of one or a few, as they "suffered", grew and even "resurrected" or
"transfigured" through initiation.

So, therefore, this is not a question of interpretations in competition,
but rather a question of thorough understanding in relation to more shallow
claims, in which the motive is questionable. In other words, why should one
settle for less than the truth while actually claiming it is the truth, when
the truth is, however covered over, available? 

Unless, one stands, at least to onesself, to gain in some way through
fostering less than the truth. This will always remain disurbing to me. It
is as if, at each level of ignorance, there is someone, or a group, standing
like a beacon (not a "Beacon Light"), proclaiming this "level" of ignorance
as the truth. In this way the "level" of clarity just "beneath" or masked by
this stratum of ignorance, is blocked from view from those who will be
susceptable to it, rather than look for themselves.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W.Dallas TenBroeck" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: H. Roerich claims

June 22 2005 / Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dear Friends:

As I understand it "Agni Yoga" is acquisition of that wisdom-discrimination
that burns all ignorance and folly to ashes by the light of Truth Eternal.
It is a knowledge of the history of our world and universe, and includes all
events and sciences. HPB speaks of this both the prefaces to ISIS UNVEILED

It is also clear that the language used in the Bible has been altered in the
past by many who copied and retranslated it.

What remains that is reliable ? Only the key ideas.

We need to draw out and assure ourselves of such key ideas. We need to shed
all the dogmas that organized churches have imposed on the pure and original
teachings of Jesus.

Apparently the Gnostics preserved and studied those original teachings.
Why, then, was the early Church (as shown by history) so determined to
eliminate and destroy the Gnostic influence?

In a Universe in which GOD is omnipresent, how can a "Devil" exist?

What is the origin of "evil?"

Are these paradoxes irresolvable?



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