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Acquisitions November 2005 Theosophical Library Amsterdam

Dec 21, 2005 01:12 PM
by Renger Dijkstra

Aanwinsten november 2005 / Acquisitions november 2005

Nieuwe boeken in de Theosofische Bibliotheek Amsterdam
New books in the Theosophical Library Amsterdam

Andrea, R.
The technique of the disciple
by Raymund Andrea. - 2nd ed. - San Jose, California : Supreme Grand Lodge of
Amorc, 1945. - 190 p. ; 21 cm. - (Rosicrucian Library ; Volume XVI)
sign.: ESO-5-2-ANDR-2
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, technieken, discipelen, neofieten

Asrani, U.A.
Yoga unveiled : part I : through a synthesis of personal mystic experiences
and psychological and psychosomatic studies
U.A. Asrani ; foreword by Padma Bhushan B. L. Altreya. - Delhi : Motilal
Banarsidass, 1977. - xxiv, 230 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - index, errata.
ISBN 0842610316
sign.: REL-11-8-ASRA-1
Trefw.: religie, yoga, wetenschap, mystiek, samadhi, jnana yoga, meditatie,

Begley, W.
Biblia cabalistica or the cabalistic Bible : showing how the various
numerical cabalas have been cruriously applied to the Holy Scriptures, with
numerous textual examples ranging from Genesis to the Apocalypse, and
collected from books of the greatest rarity, for the most part not in the
British Museum or any public library in Great Britain
Walter Begley. - Kila : Kessinger Publishing Company, 1991. - 158 p. ; 26
cm. - (Rare Esoteric Books) - appendix, bibliography.
ISBN 156459017
sign.: ESO-7-1-BEGL-1
Trefw.: esoterie, kabbala, numerologie, testament, Heilige Schrift

Beuken, van den M.
Hooggevoeligheid als uitdaging
Marian van den Beuken. - Deventer : Ankh-Hermes, 2002. - 96 p. ; 20 cm. -
(Ankertjesserie ; 271) - noten, literatuur.
ISBN 9020201441
sign.: RAN-3-1-BEUK-1
Trefw.: psychologie, gevoeligheid, eenheid, eigenheid, bescherming, angst,

Bruno, G.
The cabala of Pegasus
Giordano Bruno ; translated [from the Italian] and annoted by Sidney L.
Sondergard and Madison U. Sowell. - New Haven & London : Yale University
Press, 2002. - xlix, 203 p. ; 22 cm. - appendix, references, index.
ISBN 0300092172
sign.: ESO-7-1-BRUN-1
Trefw.: esoterie, kabbala, Pegasus

Cleather, A.L.
Buddhism : the science of life ; Tibetan initiates on the Buddha
two monographs by Alice Leighton Cleather ; with explanations and comments
by Basil Crump. - 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. - Peking : Chin
Booksellers, 1928. - [24], 217 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - appendix, glossary.
sign.: REL-12-3-CLEA-1
Trefw.: religie, theosofie, boeddhisme, Boeddha, Tibetaans boedhisme

Coulomb, E.
Some account of my intercourse with Madame Blavatsky from 1872 to 1884 with
a number of additional letters and a full explanation of the most marvellous
theosophical phenomena
Madame Coulomb. - photocopied reproduction. - Edmonton, Alberta : Edmonton
Theosophical Society , 1995. - ii, 112 p. ; 21 cm.
sign.: THE-4-4-COUL-2
Trefw.: theosofie, H.P. Blavatsky

Dalai Lama
De kracht van het mededogen
Dalai Lama ; vertaald [uit het Engels] door Hendrik van Teylingen. - Den
Haag : BZZTôH, 1997. - 182 p. ; 18 cm. - (Rainbow Pocketboeken)
ISBN 9041700765
sign.: REL-12-3-DALA-4
Trefw.: religie, boeddhisme, mededogen, liefde, emoties, voldoening

Dargyay, E.M.
The rise of esoteric buddhism in Tibet
Eva M. Dargyay ; foreword Herbert V. Guenther. - 2nd revised ed. - Delhi,
Varanasi, Patna : Motilal Banarsidass, 1979. - xii, 272 p. ; 22 cm. -
notes, appendix, bibliography, index.
ISBN 0896840395
sign.: REL-12-3-DARG-1
Trefw.: religie, esoterie, esoterisch boeddhisme, boeddhisme, Tibet,
Tibetaanse boeddhisme, geschiedenis, scholen, leringen

Deveney, J.P.
Astral projection or liberation of the double and the work of the early
Theosophical Society
John Patrick Deveney ; foreword James A. Santucci. - Fullerton, California :
Theosophical History, 1997. - [10], 84 p. ; 21 cm. - (Theosophical History
Occasional Papers ; Volume VI) - notes.
ISBN 1883279062
sign.: RAN-6-9-DEVE-1
Trefw.: astrale projectie, etherisch dubbel, theosofie, geschiedenis,
uittredingen, spiritisme, Emma Hardinge Britten, Blavatsky, Olcott, Judge,
Theosophical Society, occultisme

Donnelly, I.
The destruction of Atlantis : Ragnarök : the age of fire and gravel
Ignatius Donnelly ; introduction by Paul M. Allen. - 2nd edition. -
Blauvelt, New York : Multimedia Publishing Corp, 1974. - [11] , 452 p. :
ill. ; 19 cm. - index.
ISBN 75175055
sign.: RAN-8-2-DONN-2
Trefw.: Atlantis, komeet, mythen, Ragnarok, Book van Job, Genesis, aarde

Dowson, J.
A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history,
and literature
by John Dowson. - 11th ed. - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968. - xix,
411 p. ; 21 cm. - (Trubner's Oriental Series) - Sanskrit index.
sign.: REL-11-1-DOWS-1
Trefw.: religie, India, hindoeïsme, woordenboeken, mythologie,
aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis, literatuur, naslagwerken

D'Sa, F.X.
Word-index to Sankara's Gitabhasya
edited by Francis X. D'Sa. - 1st ed. - Pune : Institute for the Study of
Religion, 1985. - xvi, 371 p. ; 29 cm. - (Linguistic aids for the study of
Indian religious texts ; 1) - index.
sign.: REL-11-17-DSA-1
Trefw.: religie, woordenboeken, Sanskrit, Sankara, Gitabhasya

D'Sa, F.X.
Word-index to the Bhagavadgita
edited by Francis X. D'Sa. - 1st ed. - Pune, India : Institute for the Study
of Religion, 1985. - xi, 74 p. ; 29 cm. - (Linguistic aids for the study of
Indian religious texts ; 2) - index.
sign.: REL-11-3-DSA-1
Trefw.: religie, bhagavad gita, naslagwerken, Sanskrit, woordenboeken

Eisenman, R.H.
The dead sea scrolls uncovered : the first complete translation and
interpretation of 50 key documents withheld for over 35 years
Robert H. Eisenman and Michael Wise. - reprint. - Massachusetts : Element,
1992. - ix, 286 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - index, plates.
ISBN 1852303689
sign.: REL-7-2-EISE-1
Trefw.: religie, dode zeerollen, profeten, Bijbel, Testament, hymnes,
mysteriën, goddelijkheid, magie

Foss-Heindel, A.
Memoirs about Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship
by Augusta Foss Heindel. - Oceanside, California : The Rosicrucian
Fellowship, 1997. - iii, [16], 125, [12] p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 0881120693
sign.: ESO-5-3-FOSS-2
Trefw.: esoterie, memoires, biografieën, Max Heindel,

French, P.J.
John Dee : the world of an Elizabethan magus
Peter J. French. - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. - x, 243 p. :
ill. ; 22 cm. - bibliography, index.
ISBN 0710071582
sign.: ESO-1-1-FREN-1
Trefw.: esoterie, magie, John Dee, magie, magiërs, hermetica, wetenschap,
religie, biografieën, Robert Fludd, Edward Kelley

Gambhirananda, S.
translated by Swami Gambhirananda ; with the commentary of Sankaracarya. -
Calcutta : Advaita Ashrama, 1984. - xxii, 826 p. ; 19 cm. - index to words.
sign.: REL-11-3-GAMB-1
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, bhagavad gita, commentaren, Arjuna, kennis,
karma-yoga, yoga, meditatie, Bhraman, kosmologie, bhakti-yoga

Guthrie, K.S.
The Pythagorean sourcebook and library : an anthology of ancient writings
which relate to Pythagoras an Pythagorean philosophy
compiled by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie ; introduced and edited by David R.
Fideler ; with a foreword by Joscelyn Godwin ; translated by Kenneth Sylvan
Guthrie with additional translations by Thomas Taylor and Arthur
Fairbanks. - Michigan : Phanes Press, 1988. - 361 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -
appendix, glossary, bibliography, index.
ISBN 093399950X
sign.: REL-4-4-GUTH-1
Trefw.: religie, Pythagoras, filosofie, spiritualiteit, harmonie, kosmos

Heindel, M.
The desire body
by Max Heindel. - Oceanside, California ; London : The Rosicrucian
Fellowship ; Fowler, 1953. - 160 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. - bibliography.
sign.: ESO-5-3-HEIN-114
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, begeertelichaam, theosofie, evolutie,
onzichtbare werelden

Heindel, M.
Mevrouw Blavatsky en de Geheime Leer
Max Heindel ; voorwoord Manly P. Hall ; [vert. uit het Engels]. - z.p. :
z.u., 19XX. - 72 p. ; 21 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-3-HEIN-117
Trefw.: HPB, Geheime Leer, theosofie, H.P. Blavatsky, biografieën, esoterie,

Heindel, M.
The vital body
by Max Heindel. - 1st ed. - Oceanside, California ; London : The Rosicrucian
Fellowship ; Fowler, 1950. - 198. [2] p. ; 20 cm. - bibliography.
sign.: ESO-5-3-HEIN-115
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, theosofie, evolutie, gezondheid, ziekten,
dromen, dood, onzichtbare werelden, wedergeboorte, dieren, planten,
spirituele ontwikkeling, gebed, rituelen, oefeningen, inwijdingen, Jezus

Heindel, M.
De wijsbegeerte der Rozekruizers in vragen en antwoorden : deel II
Max Heindel ; Nederlandse vertaling [uit het Engels] Ger Westenberg. - Den
Haag : Stichting Zeven, 1990. - 536 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - register.
ISBN 907336307
sign.: ESO-5-3-HEIN-116
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, wijsbegeerte, filosofie, leven na de dood,
vagevuur, hemel, dood, wedergeboorte, vorige levens, herinneringen,
onsterfelijkheid, evolutie, gezondheid, genezing, onzichtbare werelden,
geestelijk inzicht, inwijdingen, bijbel, astrologie, zilveren koord,

Hermetica : the ancient greek and latin writings which contain religious or
philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus
foreword by A.G. Gilbert ; English translation, introduction and appendix by
Walter Scott. - 2nd printing. - Bath, Avon : Solos Press, 1993. - 256 p. ;
22 cm. - appendix.
ISBN 183616023
sign.: REL-5-HERM-3
Trefw.: religie, hermetica, gnosis, filosofie

Higgins, G.
I. Anacalypsis, an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis ; or,
an inquiry into the origin of languages, nations, and religions
by Godfrey Higgins ; introduction by Conor MacDari, Jr.. - reprinted. -
Mokelumne Hill, California : Health Research, 1972. - 8, xxxi, [2], 867,
[20] p. ; 29 cm. - (Anacalypsis ; Vol. I) - appendix, index.
sign.: REL-2-1-HIGG-1
Trefw.: religie, vergelijkende godsdienstwetenschap

Higgins, G.
II. Anacalypsis, an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis ; or,
an inquiry into the origin of languages, nations, and religions
by the late Godfrey Higgins. - reprinted. - Mokelumne Hill, California :
Health Research, 1972. - xi, 519, [22] p. : ill. ; 29 cm. - (Anacalypsis ;
Vol. II) - index.
sign.: REL-2-1-HIGG-2
Trefw.: religie, vergelijkende godsdienstwetenschap

Huffman, W.
Robert Fludd
edited by William Huffmann ; series editor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. -
Berkeley, California : North Atlantic Books, 2001. - 270 p. : ill. ; 22
cm. - (Western Esoteric Masters Series) - bibliography, index.
ISBN 1556433735
sign.: ESO-5-1-FLUD-3
Trefw.: esoterie, Robert Fludd, biografieën, alchemie, hermetica,
rozenkruisers, mystiek, spiritualiteit

Kaus, M.F.B.
The desatir : or the sacred writings of the ancient Persian prophets ;
together with the commentary of the Fifth Sasan
translated by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus ; edited and republished by Dhunjeebhoy
Jamsetjee Medhora. - photographic copy of the 1888 ed. - San Diego : Wizards
Bookshelf, 1975. - ii, 13, 190, [2] p. ; 21 cm. - (Secret Doctrine
Reference Series) - list of the Persian books of the Parsees.
ISBN 0913510335
sign.: REL-15-KAUS-3a
Trefw.: religie, Perzië, Desatir, geheime geschriften, profeten,
commentaren, zoroaster, Fifth Sasan

Knibb, M.A.
The Ethiopic book of Enoch : a new edition in the light of the Aramaic Dead
Sea Fragments ; 1 Text and apparatus
by Michael A. Knibb in consultation with Edward Ullendorff. - Oxford : The
Clarendon Press, 1978. - xvi, 428 p. : ill.. ; 23 cm. - appendix.
ISBN 019826132
sign.: ESO-7-3-KNIB-1
Trefw.: esoterie, Enoch, Aramees, dode zeerollen, Ethiopië

Knibb, M.A.
The Ethiopic Book of Enoch : a new edition in the light of the Aramiaic Dead
Sea Fragments : 2 introduction, translation and commentary
by Michael A. Knibb ; in consultation with Edward Ullendorff. - Oxford : The
Clarendon Press, 1978. - vi, 258 p. ; 22 cm. - index.
ISBN 0198261632
sign.: REL-7-3-KNIB-2
Trefw.: esoterie, Enoch, Aramees, dode zeerollen, Ethiopië

De Kybalion : een studie van de hermetische filosofie van het oude Egypte en
geschreven door Drie Adepten ; voorwoord H.L. van Draanen ; [vert. uit het
Engels door] H.L. van Draanen. - herz. uitg. - Rotterdam ; Den Haag : H.L.
van Draanen ; AMORC, 1995. - 80 p. ; 30 cm. - alfabetische index.
ISBN 9090076212
sign.: REL-5-KYBA-2
Trefw.: religie, gnosticisme, Kybalion, hermetica, Egypte, Griekenland,
filosofie, Hermes Trismegistus, hermetische filosofie, zeven principes,
geest, overeenkomst, trilling, polariteit, ritme, oorzaak en gevolg,
geslacht, mentale transmutatie, het al, universum van de geest, goddelijke
paradox, vlakken van overeenkomst, hermetische axioma's, wetten

geschreven door Drie Adepten ; voorwoord H.L. van Draanen ; [vert. uit het
Engels door] H.L. van Draanen. - herz. uitg. - Rotterdam ; Den Haag : H.L.
van Draanen ; AMORC, 1995. - 80 p. ; 30 cm. - alfabetische index.
ISBN 9090076212
sign.: REL-5-KYBA-2a
Trefw.: religie, gnosticisme, Kybalion, hermetica, Egypte, Griekenland,
filosofie, Hermes Trismegistus, hermetische filosofie, zeven principes,
geest, overeenkomst, trilling, polariteit, ritme, oorzaak en gevolg,
geslacht, mentale transmutatie, het al, universum van de geest, goddelijke
paradox, vlakken van overeenkomst, hermetische axioma's, wetten

The latest attack on the Theosophical Society
issued by the Council of the London Lodge. - photocopied reproduction. -
Edmonton, Alberta : Edmonton Theosophical Society , 1995. - 23 p. ; 21 cm.
sign.: THE-4-3-LATE-1
Trefw.: theosofie, H.P. Blavatsky, Theosofische Vereniging, geschiedenis

Layton, B.
The gnostic scriptures
a new translation with annotations and introductions by Bentley Layton. -
New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland : Doubleday, 1987. - xlii, 526
p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - bibliography, index.
ISBN 0385478437
sign.: REL-5-LAYT-1
Trefw.: religie, gnosticisme, Bijbel, Valentinus, St. Thomas, hermetica,
jodendom, theologie, vertalingen, oude wijsheid

The Leadbeater case : a reply to the president's letter of november, 1908
G.R.S. Mead, Herbert Burrows, W. Kingsland, Edith Ward. - for private
circulation among members only. - London : G.R.S. Mead, Herbert Burrows, W.
Kingsland & Edith Ward, 1908. - 20 p. ; 22 cm.
sign.: THE-2-L-1-LEAD-1 (D11)
Trefw.: theosofie, geschiedenis, Theosophical Society, C.W. Leadbeater, Dr.
van Hook

LeGros, G.C.
Legros theosophical articles and verse : vol. I
[George Cardinal LeGros] ; preface M. Jaqua. - Grand Rapids, Ohio : Isis
Books, 1992. - v, 212 p. ; 22 cm. - (Vol. I) - appendix.
sign.: THE-2-L-1-LEGR-1
Trefw.: theosofie, artikelen, gedichten, spiritualiteit

Lillie, A.
Koot Hoomi unveiled ; or Tibetan "buddhists" versus the buddhists of Tibet
by Arthur Lillie. - photocopied reproduction. - Edmonton, Alberta : Edmonton
Theosophical Society , 1995. - 24 p. ; 21 cm.
sign.: THE-2-L-1-LILL-1
Trefw.: theosfie, Koot Hoomi, Tibetaans boeddhisme, Tibet

Noordse mythen
redactie Ans Dokter [... et al]. - Groningen : Stichting Groniek, 1998. -
378-508 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Groniek ; 141) - noten.
ISBN 9072918371
sign.: REL-17-1-NOOR-1
Trefw.: religie, Noordse mythogie, mythen, Scandinavië, christendom, geloof,
saga's, Zweden, Vikingen

Observations on Mr. Lillie's "Koot Hoomi unveiled"
by the President of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society. -
photocopied reproduction. - Edmonton, Alberta : Edmonton Theosophical
Society, 1995. - (15) p. ; 21 cm.
sign.: THE-2-O-1-OBSE-1
Trefw.: theosofie, Koot Hoomi, Lillie, esoterisch boeddhisme

Odeberg, H.
3 Enoch or the Hebrew Book of Enoch
edited and translated for the first time with introduction commentary &
critical notes by Hugo Odeberg ; prolegomenon by Jonas C. Greenfield. - New
York : KTAV Publishing House, 1973. - XLVII, 192, 179, ?, 34 p. ; 24 cm. -
(translation & notes ; hebrew tex with critical notes ; indexes)
ISBN 870680935
sign.: ESO-7-3-ODEB-1
Trefw.: esoterie, Enoch, Aramees, dode zeerollen, Ethiopië, Hebreeuws,
Metatron, Divine Letters and Names, Merkavah

Pike, A.
Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish rite of freemasonry ;
Digest-index of "Morals and Dogma"
Albert Pike ; prepared for the supreme council of the thirty-third degree
for the southern jurisdiction of the United States and published by its
authority ; T.W. Hugo. - new and revised ed. - Washington : Supreme Council
of the thirty-third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United
States, 1960. - v, 861, iv, 218 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - digest-index.
sign.: ESO-4-3-PIKE-1
Trefw.: esoterie, vrijmetselarij, ritualen, moraal, dogma, Schotse ritus,

Pseudo-Dionysius : the complete works
foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem ; preface by
Rene Roques ; introductions by Jaroslav Pelikan, Jena Leclecq, and Karlfried
Froehlich ; translation by Colm Luibheid. - New york : Paulis Press,
987. - ix, 318 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - (The classics of Western spirituality ;
a library of the great spiritual masters) - bibliography, index.
ISBN 0809128381
sign.: REL-6-6-PSEU-1
Trefw.: religie, mystiek christendom, Pseudo-Dionysius, spiritualiteit,
hierarchy, goddelijke namen, mystiek, theologie

Ruijling, J.A.G.
Astrologie : meer gevoel dan wijsheid
J.A.G. Ruijling. - Arnhem : Uitgeverij Inzake Onderzoek van de Astrologie,
1995. - 16 p. ; 21 cm. - (Brochure ; Nr. 1) - gebruikte afkortingen en
ISBN 907560002X
sign.: RAN-7-1-RUIJ-4
Trefw.: astrologie, geschiedenis, bronnen, astronomie, natuurwetenschap,

Ruijling, J.A.G.
Astrologie en theosofie
J.A.G. Ruijling. - Arnhem : Uitgeverij Inzake Onderzoek van de Astrologie,
1998. - 24 p. ; 30 cm. - (Brochure ; 3) - gebruikte afkortingen en
literatuur, index.
ISBN 9075600097
sign.: RAN-7-1-RUIJ-3
Trefw.: astrologie, theosofie, onderzoek, Spierenburg, Blavatsky

Sargeant, W.
The Bhagavad Gita
foreword by Christopher Chapple ; translated by Winthrop Sargeant. - revised
edition edited by Christopher Chapple. - New York : State University of New
York Press, 1994. - xxi, 739 p. : ill.. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 0873958306
sign.: REL-11-3-SARG-1
Trefw.: Bhagavad Gita, religie, vertalingen, commentaren, hindoeïsme

Suster, G.
John Dee : essential readings
selected and introduced by Gerald Suster ; series editor Nicholas
Goodrick-Clarke. - Berkeley, California : North Atlantic Books, 2003. - 157
p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Western Esoteric Masters Series) - appendix A,
appendix B, appendix C, notes, select bibliography.
ISBN 1556434723
sign.: ESO-1-1-SUST-1a
Trefw.: esoterie, occultisme, John Dee, magie, kabbala, spiritualiteit,

Sutin, L.
Do what thou wilt : a life of Aleister Crowley
Lawrence Sutin. - 1st ed. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 2000. - viii,
483 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - endnotes, selected bibliography, index.
ISBN 0312252439
sign.: ESO-2-4-SUTI-1
Trefw.: esoterie, biografieën, Aleister Crowley, magie, theosofie

Taylor, T.
The hymns of Orpheus
translated form the original Greek with a preliminary dissertation on the
life and theology of Orpheus to which is added the essay of Plotinus
concerning the beautiful by Thomas Taylor. - facsimile reprint of the
original English edition of 1792. - Los Angeles : The Philosophical Research
Society, 1981. - xii, 106, 109 - 227, xx, 47 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 0893144150
sign.: REL-4-2-TAYL-3
Trefw.: religie, hymnes, Orpheus, Plotinus, Griekenland, griekse mysteriën

Tenhaeff, W.H.C.
Over het geestenzien : openbare les gehouden op maandag 4 december 1933, bij
de aanvaarding van het privaat-docentschap in de parapsychologie aan de
Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht
door W.H.C. Tenhaeff. - Bussum : Emil Wegelin, 1933. - 35 p. ; 27 cm. -
geraadpleegde litteratuur.
sign.: RAN-3-1-TENH-3
Trefw.: parapsychologie, geesten, redes

Waite, A.E.
The magical writings of Thomas Vaughan : (Eugenius Philalethes) : A verbatim
reprint of his first four treatises: anthroposophia theomagica, anima magica
abscondita, magia adamica, and the true coelum terrae
with the Latin passages translated into English, and with a biographical
preface and essay on the esoteric literature of western Christendom by
Arthur Edward Waite. - Kila : Kessinger Publishing Company, 1992. - xxxi,
164 p. ; 26 cm. - (Rare Esoteric Books)
ISBN 1564592413
sign.: ESO-8-1-WAIT-9
Trefw.: esoterie, anthroposophia theomagica, anima magica abscondita, magia
adamica, coelum terrae, magie

Webb, J.
The Society for Psychical Research report on the Theosophical Society
edited, with an introduction by James Webb. - reprint. - New York : Arno
Press, 1976. - [17], 201-400, 60, 129-159 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - (The Occult)
ISBN 0405079753
sign.: THE-4-3-WEBB-1
Trefw.: theosofie, geschiedenis, kritieken, SPR

Aan alle leden van deze mailinglist,
Hier een lijst van nieuwe boeken en andere documenten uit de catalogus van
de Theosofische Bibliotheek te Amsterdam. In deze lijst staan ook een aantal
oudere uitgaven, die verkregen zijn via legaten en schenkingen, maar
waardevol en interessant genoeg zijn om aan onze collectie te worden
toegevoegd. Na elke titelbeschrijving kunt u een paar trefwoorden vinden. De
titels zijn gesorteerd op auteur en zijn allemaal uitleenbaar. Ook kunt u
deze boeken aanvragen via Inter Bibliothecair Leenverkeer (IBL), bij uw
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Ons adres: Tolstraat 154, 1074 VM, Amsterdam, Tel.: 020-6765672, Internet:

To all members of this mailinglist,
Here a list of new books and other documents from the catalogue of the
Theosophical Library in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In this list are also
some older publications, obtained by legacies or donations, but valuable and
interesting enough to add to our collection. After each description you can
find some keywords (in Dutch). The titles are sorted by author and are all
on loan. Also you can borrow these books by Inter Bibliothecair Leenverkeer
(IBL), at your own public library nearby. To unsubscribe your membership of
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Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards
Renger Dijkstra, bibliothecaris / librarian


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