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Re: Theos-World Kindly:

Dec 30, 2005 08:41 PM
by Cass Silva

>From another post
Hi Cass:

I believe Betsy is into Massey, but no one said you're not welcome 
to the

It's Massey's contention [and others on the other side well before 
him] that Horus ='s the new Jesus or rather that Jesus ='s the old 
Horus. Others have referred to it here... Harry, I believe for one.

You have a Holy Family in both cases: Horus-Isis-Osiris, Jesus-Mary-
Joseph, but the Osirian one is aeons older. So the Jesus myth is 
born out of [generated from] the more ancient Egyptian one.

'Horus' represents to us the Rising Sun [SON] upon the Horizon [the 
HORUS ZONE, horizontal on ' X ' Axis... in an x/y 2nd dimensional 

Keep in mind I've discussed ' X ' as a significant symbol in one
of my previous posts. 

Each day He [Horus]rises OVER THE PYRAMID, as an 'All Seeing Eye', 
and we'll see Him using a little imagination next time we look....
lol. [While at the opposite end, we get 'Set' and the setting Sun 

So it's Horus's watchful Eye that hovers above the Pyramid. Jesus 
has nothing to do with pyramids, or does he ? Here's a little 
indirect proof that he may. I mentioned this before, but it may
not have been clear.

Take the 36th Triangular number...using dots to form a
pyramid...that's '666' points [dots], and think of it as being a
side to a pyramid, recalling that the summation of the 'Decans' 
[used in constructing an Egyptian year] equals 1, + 2, + 3 etc...thru 
36 = '666'.

Now all we want to do is connect the dots into mini-triangular 
supports that solidify [hold together] the construction of your major 
triangle with all these smaller triangles [from a dot triangle 
( . triangle)] to a huge number of smaller constructions.

If you add up the number of smaller triangles after the dots
have been connected, you find that the number equals '1225'
or 12/25 as a date which as we all know is Jesus's birth [as the
story and party line goes].

So out of an Egyptian [Decan] Calendar of Time which relates to
the Rising Son [Sun]...of Horus each day, we derive another Rising 
Son, another Star, who we refer to as Jesus.

So as we derived the Christian Holy Family from the Osirian original, 
we now derive a Temporal relationship from one SON [Sun] to another

--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@y...> 
> All these delicious tempting morsels, Mike, but what does it all 
> Cass
> Michael Angelicus <astralogos999@y...> wrote:
> 'Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Child is given and his name 
shall be called ...... ?....... '
> One may want to take a good look at the Pythagorean construction 
> triangular numbers. One of the most famous constructions is the 
> triangular number or tetracyts.
> Remember firstly that in the construction of numbers exhibiting 
> shape, the first number 1 is also part of the set and the first 
> beginning the set of all such numbers . That's important if you 
> counting.
> Proof [be fruitful and MULTIPLY]: You may ask how can 1 be a 
> number. 1 X 1 = 1. Well there you are. One is your first square 
> The same is the case for Triangular numbers, those numbers which 
> the shape of a Triangle. [One begins that set as well.]
> '666' is a Triangular number. It forms the shape of a Triangle. 
To construct the
> 36th Triangular you need 666 points. The numbers 1 thru 36 
> represent the Egyptian year in decanate form of 10 days per week. 
> if you want something clearly Egyptian for Eye to hover above, 
this Triangle
> is an obvious choice.
> Getting back to the 4th or Tetra[4]cyts:
> o
> o o
> o o o
> o o o o
> You'll notice if you connect the dots, there are 9 inner 
> If you connect the dots in the Number of the Beast '666' [very 
time consumming],
> the number Triangles you derive is 1225 or 12/25 , the day we 
celebrate as Jesus's birth.
> So 'Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Child is given and His 
name shall
> be called ...... ?.........but in terms of the Trinitarian 
Triangle of...Father+Son+Holy Ghost....HE IS DERIVED FROM THE 
NUMBER.... ' 666 ' [Six-Six-Six].
> Just wanted to mention that in LIGHT of the upcoming Date of 
> Frater Angelicus [Rose [+] Cross]
> > 

arhat_buddhism <> wrote:
King of Light is no-number. Not the King of Night.

King of Night is numbered to die. Not the King of Light.


King of Night number is 6 or 9, 9 or six.
What is the Six?
What is the Nine?

--- In, samblo@c... wrote:
> Cass,
> Hmmm, every year the Eastern Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany 
(the birth of 
> Christ) on that date, I think it was also Pres. Reagan's birthday.
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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