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RE: Theos-World Tampering with HPB's THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE

Feb 09, 2006 05:54 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

2/8/2006 2:50 PM

May I again break in here?

The questions that Mr. Caldwell has posed to Mr. Aveline have been
anticipated my me  [ Feb. - 8 -2006 ]

I quote:


.  Reprint of A MODERN PANARION by the Theosophy Company


Does Carlos acknowledge that these are mistakes that the ULT/
Theosophy Company has committed?  etc. etc.



D  T B  		Nonsense !

Carlos A  has nothing to do with this debate, which dried up in 2004.

Portions of this discussion are reprinted below.

He has nothing to do with Theosophy Company, and its publications.

The sole aim of the Theosophy Company is to make copies of original texts 
[ "Eye Doctrine" ] available to students.  It leaves those same students to
seek for the imbedded "Heart Doctrine."

But this whole subject is being reopened for what purpose ?  

A one-sided challenge based on matters that the careful "Eye Doctrine" 
examination by any good proof reader can settle, is repetitious and 
time-wasting. None of us can undo the past. We note it. 

But mere proof-reading is not philosophical evaluation.

Now, if the matter were of the "Heart Doctrine," it would be useful to have
a well-balanced discussion during the course of which many students could
participate, and perhaps we all might learn something of esotericism and
occultism. In my esteem that might be useful.

If Mr. Caldwell does not print both sides of that discussion he was already
engaged in, in my esteem, he is not being historically accurate or helpful
for the benefit of the modern reader.  They will miss what is already

Best wishes,

P S:

Here is a sample of a possible line of "Heart Doctrine" inquiry and 


The VOICE OF THE SILENCE, pages:  1 -  3



"It is the spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal man that forms the
fundamental tenet in the Occult Sciences."		S D  I  643

		Voice p. 1

In the first pages of the "Voice" -- Fragment  I (pp. 1-3)

the Teacher speaks AS A BEGINNING, and the disciple listens.

The Teacher speaks of the wandering "heart" of the disciple and
urges him to "Know Himself"-- as a Mind-being, free and independent, with
the responsibility to become one of Nature's true, honest, dependable,
and virtuous assistants.

He speaks of "NADA" the "Soundless Sound" (Voice of the Silence)-
the INCOMMENSURABLE ALL  -- {some imagine they hear a hiss ! But it is the
RAJA THOUGHTS that spring into the Mind's eye [BUDDHI-MANAS made active]
that ought to be now regarded dispassionately. this is DHARANA  --  
complete abstraction from any limits, or concretions.  It is a state of
BEING,  not 
a condition of "having." }
[see Pat p. 37; Letters p. 29; WQJ Art I p. 561; LoP p. 14; T M XV, p. 85]

Opposed to this REALITY are the outer sensations and "sounds."

	The "Lower Iddhi" (or siddhis - powers of emotion and mind) have a
dual range:

	1.  the personal physical, and,

	2.  emotional senses (the "Lower Mind" - Kama-Manas  
		--  may be included here).

Those make report -- vibrations  --  transmitted to brain, and also
emotional impacts.
influencing bodily centers, there to create images for the "Rajah of the
Senses" (Kama-Manas) to perceive.

		Voice p. 2

One is to beware of Lower Manas (The "Thought-Producer").  It produces and
lives in the realm of ILLUSION.  [physical and emotional sensations].

For the REAL MAN  (Buddhi-Manas) this is the "Antagonist."  It is the 
combined result of two lines of evolution:  Psychical and Physical.

It creates and sustains a very real danger:  IGNORANCE  -- which begets
'FEAR.'  Then,  "Fancy" arises.


	[Q:	In W Q J'S notes on PATANJALI'S Aphorism 17 (page 4):

When "all lower subjects and objects are lost sight of, and nothing remains
but the cognition of the self," does it mean a condition in which the will
is, or is not, active?


A	     In simple psychological terms, the only inhibition of the will
is anxiety or fear. And man's fear is never fear of a thing, but simply
doubt of his ability to meet the "thing" if it should confront him.

Doubt of oneself and fear of oneself are the anxieties of ignorance.

No man who faces and knows himself is "afraid." Dissatisfied with his
present state he may be, but in such a case dissatisfaction is but a 
prelude to an invocation of will to correct matters.

Death is "feared" when knowledge of the permanence of self is lacking or

Thus fearlessness is the first quality assigned by Krishna as a requisite 
of successful discipleship-for only when a man realizes the inexhaustible 
power of Soul can he fully release the will and attain concentration.

Meditation represents the quality of steadiness in mental and moral
states which must be the accompaniment of a will grown strong.

The common forms of will are not in action during meditation, but they are
present in a very vital sense-since their combined potential energies are
being reconstituted for newer and more meaningful expression. This is the
action of Soul, the regeneration and reconstitution of the will.

 The full power of Soul resides in the bonds of spiritual
interdependence which reach out to and include all living things. All 
beings are sources of our "individual" strength, though they are such 
sources only because they are united in "the divine unity"- the One 
Self, the Universal Will.

Thus attention engrossed in failures, doubts and ignorances is but a

The will of the adept becomes fully active, because there is no corner of
the wide universe where he fears to enter. Will, as the force of Spirit,
moves in and from all beings in all states and conditions. But will, in the
individual, is often sundered, disparted, while it can be integral and
concentrated.  ]


Lower Manas perceives the sensations centered in the physical plane of 
touch :

1.	Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting and a capacity to define objects
by touch-feeling them.

2.	A second level is created internally in our Lower Mind (Kama-Manas)
as an additional layer of emotion, evoked by those vibrations, which impact 
and causes them to 'remember.'

This is  "ASAT" the False  --  or a series of 'false environments.' There 
is a confusion created of ignorance. uncertainty and a motley of many

Memory on the emotional level (Kama-Manas) assists in redeveloping pictures
of past similarities.

Together, a fanciful vision may be newly drawn.  It is full of
uncertainties, fears, questions, and a range of possible future situations
may then be created as potentials.  These may influence our choices in the
consideration of the effects of potential events:  physical and emotional.
They are a waste of energy and time.

To make progress HARMONY and order have to be restored. The pupil is the
Perceiver:  Manas. If he learns to appeal to ATMA-BUDDHI within, he can
insulate himself from the "roar" or, emotional impact of these fancies that
arise in Kama-Manas and force (discipline) his lower self to become
"indifferent" to them.

		Voice p. 3

Manas (THE SOUL-MAN) can call at will upon the superior Spiritual Powers of
BUDDHI (or the  accumulated wisdom of experience over many incarnations),

That is Nada - the VOICE of the silent SPIRITUAL SOUND.  It is this "inner
sound" that kills the outer, it is important to realize this is actually the

"Voice" of eternal Truth, the Dharma (duty), as well as the LAW (Karma) of
the Universe that can be now focused through the attentive, impersonal mind
of the pupil.

At that point the Man-Manas is the slayer of the Lower Manas - the Rajah,
the "Thought Producer, who awakes illusion."

If he unites himself to the divine Speaker [BUDDHI-MANAS] and the resident
TUTOR within, he can secure true Memory.

Order restored, the Lower Personal elements are brought to check and
reformed into a harmonious whole.

Thus, the "Disciple" is said to "slay the Slayer [of the Real]"

And  The VOICE OF THE SILENCE can now be considered.

This process has to be done every time one meditates until it becomes
automatic upon demand at WILL.


[A	The word "mind," as used by Patanjali, has two meanings. The
"tactile organ" is composed of a highly refined, tenuous substance-referred
to in The Secret Doctrine as "fifth-state matter." But the man, the
individual, is not a state of matter, nor a combination of states of 

Man, as the center of self-consciousness, is the causative and governing
balance between various states of matter. An illustration may be offered: A
lever is not even a potential mover of three-thousand-pound stones.

When man (or higher intelligence) is combined with the lever, the ability 
to handle such weights is at least potential. The lever of itself cannot
anything, nor can the man without the lever.

Thus fifth-state matter is simply the medium through which mind must
function, even though it (fifth-state matter) is also a conditioned aspect
of intelligence itself, having the sixth, or Buddhic state of matter, for
its substratum.

Individualized mind is Buddhi aware of the potentialities of fifth-state
matter, and, through that mirror, of the other states of matter represented
by the psychical and physical principles. Such "joining" or incarnation,
however, "produces" a new principle, a new form of being which may be 
called the self-conscious soul-although the being is not new, but only the
form of

      Patanjali asserts a philosophy of "dualism." Together with Krishna, 
as the latter sage speaks through the Bhagavad Gita, he teaches that all
beings have both a higher nature-which is the same in all, and a lower
nature composed of elements which are the same in all.

Man is the balance struck between the elements of the higher and lower
natures, and therein resides the individuality. The man-entity is the 
center of being, capable of consciously establishing new relationships
between the
higher and lower elements of the states of matter which surround him. The
mind, then, is both a "tactile organ" or substance, and directive mind or
soul-the latter being more truly metaphysical.

The term Buddhi-Manas, as differentiated from Kama-Manas, is used to make
this distinction clear.

Q	In Aphorisms 2 and 6, it is said (a) that one of the five
modifications of the mind is Correct Cognition, and (b) that the
modifications of the mind must be hindered if concentration is to be
achieved. Thus it would seem that in order to be perfected in 
concentration, one must "hinder" Correct Cognition. Is, then, Correct

A	     "Correct cognition" employs the analyzing, weighing, measuring
aspect of the mind. Intellect is indirect perception through cognition.
Intuition is direct perception. The scientist, and also every man, can only
use "correct cognition" as a means of opening up a passageway for 

      The ability to synthesize, wherein INTUITION is employed, is never a
matter of establishing certain definitive, descriptive relationships 
between objects, events and beings.

It is the manifestation of the power to combine essences of relationships 
in a single vision of meaning. If "concentration" is only upon the
potentialities of the mind-organ, the tendency to see only one relationship
at a time between objects will binder the synthesis of intuition.

The mind, therefore, must be turned by philosophy to a consideration of
purpose-the why of objective movements, in order to leave full opportunity
for direct or synthesizing perception. This was the story, self-told, of
Copernicus' discovery that the earth revolved around the sun. ]


"Self-Knowledge is of loving deeds the child.

Have patience, Candidate, as one who fears no failure,
	Courts no success.

Fix thy Soul's gaze upon the star
Whose ray thou art, the flaming star that shines within
The lightless depths of ever-being,
The boundless fields of the Unknown.

Have perseverance as one who doth for evermore endure.
Thy shadows live and vanish; that which in thee shall live for ever,
That which in thee knows, for it is knowledge, is not of fleeing life:
It is the man that was, that is, and will be,
For whom the hour shall never strike. ...
Look inward, thou art Buddha."
			VOICE OF THE SILENCE ,   p.  29

	[ end of a sample of "Heart Doctrine" study in the "Voice" ]



2/8/2006 5:12 AM
	Comment from Dallas TenBroeck




February 7, 2006


	Dan. Caldwell is quoted from an earlier note of his : writing:

"Annie Besant wrote the following about H.P.B.'s VOICE OF THE SILENCE:

"The book is . . . full of spiritual inspiration,
full of food for the heart; stimulating the loftiest
virtue and containing the noblest ideals."


Some earlier correspondence in search of facts reads:

Dallas wrote:  [ 2004 ]


    HISTORY of early text printings of The VOICE OF THE SILENCE editions

I think you will see from my earlier post that I woke up to this 1892-
LONDON edition.  This was printed after HPB died [ May 8th 189 1.

My earlier letter of May 19th, 2003 to Jerome has since been modified (too
much writing)  But I am concerned about textual exactitude. We can at least
get the "Eye Doctrine" straight.

Yes it  (1892 edition) was produced after H. P. Blavatsky's death. [I have 
a copy for the past 45 years of this, as also of the 1889 original edition -
given by me to the Los Angeles Lodge library.]

I have it (1892-London) before me.  With Judge's editorial penciled marks.

Also I have the New York 1893 edition he had printed there with those
changes introduced into it.

So the chain is complete.  I had written:  {and I am adding to that now }



2.         we ought to have one finally and carefully proof-read copy
(electronic) of the ORIGINAL of 1889.  [ I have on my computer a copy of
this right now (May 19 2003), from Phoenix. ]  

I will proof-read the electronic copy made up by Phoenix U.  L  T.	

3.         I will use the table I prepared (just below, and modified, now
brought up to date) as a basis and amend it as I go along.

4.	Since then I prepared an exhaustive INDEX to the Voice so that some
of such expressions as might embody the "Heart Doctrine" can be verified by

	This INDEX has been attached to the PHOENIX U  L  T  list of
Theosophical texts "on line"


   	INDEX to The VOICE OF THE SILENCE  	 [1924 U  L  T ]

			     By  H. P. Blavatsky

		"It is the Spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal man,
		that forms the fundamental tenet of the Occult Sciences.
	 		S D  I  630


1889	1st Edition of The VOICE OF THE SILENCE (London)
1890	 reprint  (London)
1892	 reprint in larger size  (London)
1893     American reprint ( Judge edited, footnotes added)
1899	reprint
1924	U L T reprinted American Edn of 1893

This Index is based on the U L T 1924 edition and pagination.

If errors, or omissions are found, or if improvements can be
suggested,  please advise me [Dallas]


	Dal's view:

Personally, in view of my study of Judge's writings, and also, because of H
P B's repeated affidavits concerning Judge's standing, trust his "changes
and corrections."

It is true that there are letters in which she takes him to task, but if 
one reads the whole sequence of correspondence, one finds that the cause for
this was a misunderstanding, and when explained to her, the censure was
removed by her.

Now this is no doubt my "faith" in Mr. Judges' acumen and integrity -- can
it be called the beginning of a kind of Theosophical dogmatism?  I think 
the problem will only be resolved if one can seize the bit of the esoteric
"Heart Doctrine" peeping up through chinks in the exoteric rind of words.

The MEANING for the verses in the VOICE  is what is important. This is to
explore the "Heart Doctrine."

Since we now have easy access through Internet to accurate copies of the
"originals" as well as the "reprints," any one can play at proof reading,
and view and compare these, and, arrive at their own conclusions.  There is
no further ground for argument on the basis of the "Eye Doctrine.".

If I have expressed myself in earlier letters, with strong affirmations, it
can be seen that I did so in good faith and on the basis of the knowledge I
had at the time of writing.  This is easily show by putting the full
correspondence in chronological order.  And if necessary I can do this.

	Dal.  [ February 8, 2006 ]


(with his notes on a 1892 London edition showing changes to be made in
printing the New York edition)  -  a copy of this (New York 1893) edition 
is also in my hands, it is autographed by Mrs. Judge) --  (re-set type)

7          1927 T. CO. REPRINT OF THE 1893 JUDGE NEW YORK EDITION  (re-set

Any changes in text are to be determined by comparison with the ORIGINAL of

It would be too laborious to go from edition to edition tracing changes
made.  But if necessary, this can also be done.  It is a matter of honor.
(See below on the "oblong squares.")

8          1931  BOMBAY U L T REPRINT of the Theosophy Company 1927 edition
of the New York Judge 1893 edition (re-set type) -- at the time this was
done, I was told it had  also been checked with the Original 1889 edition
for accuracy of text and footnotes.

Subsequent reprints in India in re-set type were proofed to this.  I did
some of them at the Sadhana Press, Baroda and the W. Q. Judge Press in
Bangalore, both of which I managed.

9          THE "PEKING EDITION"  (1928 ?)   Alice Cleather edited and
reprinted -- with an errata sheet (printed separately) as compared to the
original 1889 Edition.

Date unknown (1930/40s ?)  (seems a copy of 1889 edition 
- I did not proof-read it, only glanced at it.)

11        2001  EDMONTON T S           produced 100 copies of the original
1889 edition in  a numbered, and copyrighted, edition.  They have tried to
make it as close to an exact reproduction as is possible 102 years later.  
[ I see Phoenix used # 85 to scan and put this on their Web-Site.  

12.       Others ?  [  By T S and Pasadena T S  and others  Philippines ? ]




1889 Original edition description reads: "The original Precepts are 
engraved on thin oblong squares copies very often on discs."

1890 London edition reads identically to the original 1889 edition.

1892 London edition the description on p. ii, 5th line reads:  "the original
Precepts are engraved on thin oblongs; copies very often on discs."

1893 New York Edition copies the London 1892 edition.

Dallas   checked on May 19th 2003 with the original books


----Original Message-----
From: Danielhcaldwell
ent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 2:34 PM
Subject: Theos-World Tampering with HPB's THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE

In a letter dated Jan 6, 2006, you wrote to 
Betty Bland, President of the American Section of the TS

"In time I hope the Adyar TS will come to publicly
acknowledge and debate other mistakes it made.

"A few, selected examples:

"1.  The tampering with the first edition of The Secret Doctrine,
until the ULT published the first facsimile edition in 1925...."
[The Aquarian Theosophist, March 17, 2006.]

Carlos, from this excerpt I am assuming that you do not approve 
of this "tampering" with the first edition of The Secret Doctrine
and that you believe the Adyar TS should publicly acknowledge that 
this tampering was a mistake.

As I have demonstrated in a series of articles that there is also 
unacknowledged "tampering" with HPB's original 1889 text as 
reprinted in the Theosophy Company's edition of the VOICE OF THE 
SILENCE, do you believe that the Theosophy Company/ULT should also 
publicly acknowledge that this tampering was also a mistake?

If it was wrong in the case involving THE SECRET DOCTRINE, then is 
it not wrong in the case of THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE?


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