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Mar 10, 2006 11:39 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline

Dear Cass,

Feel free to repost and circulate if as you wish,
I will take for granted you will preserve it as it is.

Best regards, Carlos.

From: Cass Silva <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World USA: Keeping Away From Hatred
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:25:48 -0800 (PST)

Dear Carlos
I find this posting extremely thought provoking especially in regard to current timing. Do you mind if I repost it?

carlosaveline cardoso aveline <> wrote:


Looking at the U.S.A. With Respect:


Carlos Cardoso Aveline


Dear friends,

Before we all get too enthusiastic about criticizing the USA, we should
consider that worldwide organized hatred uses to have at least two poles.

Since the end of the Cold War, a new polarization of international and
inter-cultural hostilities opposes Western culture and Muslim world.

I do not want to deny here any of the Western mistakes. I acknowledge that
they are very clearly described in a text which many consider of great
importance, signed by “A Turkish Effendi” and published by H. P. Blavatsky
in “The Theosophist”, March 1880. (1)

Yet another text, even more important and by H.P.B. herself, shows the
other side of the difficult equation between the Islam and Western nations.

H.P.B. wrote about some secret societies created in the Peshawar region,
where now Mr. Osama Bin Laden and the taliban have their strongholds in
Afghanistan, a region which includes the border region with Pakistan.

The article is about Mr. Abdul Ghafur (1794-1877), the ruler of a tribe
in Swat, in Peshawar, now part of Pakistan. A few months after the death
of Mr. Ghafur, H.P.B. wrote:

“If there be truth in the Eastern doctrine that souls, powerful whether
for good or bad, who had not time in one existence to work out their plans,
are reincarnated, the fierceness of their yearnings to continue on earth
thrusting them back into the current of their attractions, then Ghafur was
a re-birth of that Felice Peretti, who is is known in history as Pope Sixtus
V, of crafty and odious memory.” (2)

Felice Peretti was Pope Sixtus V in Rome from 1585 through 1590. In his
“Philosophical Dictionary” (3), Voltaire describes Sixtus V as the most
arrogant, cruel and despotic of kings.

As t o HPB, she compares the Pope Sixtus V to the Akhund of Swat:

“Both were born in the lowest class of society, being ignorant peasant boys
and beginning life as herdsmen. Both reached the apex of power through
craft and stealth and by imposing upon the superstition of the masses.
Sixtus, author of mystical books and himself a practitioner of the
forbidden sciences to satisfy his lust for power and ensure impunity, became
Inquisitor-General. Made Pope, he hurled his anathemas alike against
Elizabeth of England, the King of Navarre, and other important personages.
Abdul Ghafur, endowed with an iron will, had educated himself without
colleges or professors (...). He was well versed in the Arabic and Persian
literature of alchemy and astrology, as Sixtus was in Aristotle, and like
him knew how to fabricate mesmerized talismans and amulets (....) . Each
held millions of devotees under the subjection of their psychological
influence, though both were more dreaded than beloved.” (4)

About the Ghafur, the Old Lady writes that in spite the secrecy and mystery
he imposed about his life, “the one certain thing is, that he was the
founder and chief of nearly every secret society worth speaking of among
Mussulmans, and the dominant spirit in the rest.”

She adds that he used false antagonisms, stimulating hatred in both sides of
political or social disputes.

This is important for us to understand what may be going on now, behind the
surface, in the politics of hatred between the Western world and the

The very fact that this intensely hating “Soul” was born once in the West
and made the Christian Pope; and then was born in a Eastern country to be
a top Islamic religious leader, shows that the “disciples of hatred”, so to
say, search for contrast and use antagonisms for their own purposes, though
usually they disguise their hatred under sweet and religious forms.

Now, if you study the Letter 120 (Chronological Edition) -- which is
Letter 85 in the other editions of the “Mahatma Letters” -- you will see
that H.P.B.’s Masters wanted the theosophical movement to be open to
contrasts while keeping peace in the mind and heart. They wanted the
movement not to repress or deny its own paradoxes and contradictions,
because this is the way to get rid of occult hatred and psychological
violence of all kinds. Looking directly at contrasts with calm and then
going beyond them: this is one of the ways for the thesosophical movement to
help purify and recover human mind as a whole.

As to the strategical aspect of the presence of Abdul Ghafur (an ex-Pope)
, precisely in the Peshawar region, it may well be related to the occult
importance of that place.

It is in that region that the sacred Fourth Race Bamian statues, commented
by H.P. Blavatsky in “The Secret Doctrine” (5) , were destroyed between
March 2 and March 11, 2001, by the Taliban/Al Qaeda “mystical”

The Bamian Statues are connected to the complex systems of caves once used
by Buddhist Arhats and Ascetics, and now probably used (in that region) by
some of the taliban and Al Qaeda members. (A perfect hiding place, by the

The destruction of the Statues concluded in March 11, 2001, and
astrologically March 11 and September 11 make a direct opposition.

From the occult point of view,  the destruction of the “Twin Towers” in New
York in September 11, 2001, may have concluded a “twin operation” with the
March 11 destruction of the Buddhist Statues in Bamian, Afghanistan.

As you know, in New York the theosophical movement was founded, and in New
York the United Nations (the outer seed of a future brotherhood of nations)
is based. The city is a symbol of the Western world.

As to the March 11 and September 11 opposition, we may also take into
consideration that the Madrid train bombings happened precisely in March 11,
2004 (causing some 200 deaths).

These are but a few hints.

There is much to investigate about this, but my main point now is that we
should keep away from any intense hatred against the Islam, or against
Western Society (USA or Europe), or against anything at all.

The Masters of the Wisdom and the Esoteric Philosophy seem to stimulate
universal understanding and unconditional respect, without denying human
failures, contrast and contradictions, whose repression only creates hatred.

Western democracies in general may be facing difficult moments, now. Yet
democracy, or the art of perceiving and managing unity and diversity as a
simultaneous process, is still the great lesson we have to learn, both
inside and outside the theosophical movement.

One of the Mahatmas wrote in the famous Letter 120 (Chronological Edition):

“... discord is the harmony of the Universe”.

And Alexander Pope, the English poet of the 18th century, had already thus
explained that aphorism of esoteric wisdom:

“All Nature is but art, unknown to thee
All chance, direction, which thout canst not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good;
And, spite of pride, in erring reason’s spite,
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right.” (6)

So be it. Om, Shanti.

Peace to all beings, Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

O o o O o o O o o O o o O o o O


(1) See pp. 152-156. The title is “A Turkish Effendi on Christendom and

(2) See the article “The Akhund of Swat”, in the “H.P.B. Collected
Writings”, TPH, Volume I, p. 369.

(3) Chapter 21, entitled “Character”.

(4) “The Akhund of Swat”, in the “H.P.B. Collected Writings”, TPH, Volume I,
pp. 369-370.

(5)“The Secret Doctrine”, Vol II, pp. 337- 341.

(6) Alexander Pope, “Essay on Man and Other Poems”, Dover Publications, New
York, 1994, 99 pp., see pp. 52-53.

O o o O o o O o o O o o O o o O

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