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Jun 03, 2006 08:53 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks a lot!

The text below is a strong example of the significance William Judge's texts have for the theosophical movement. 

Regards,   Carlos.


Data:Fri, 2 Jun 2006 11:21:20 -0700

Assunto:[Spam] Theos-World RE: OUR RESPONSIBILITY

> Friday, June 02, 2006
> re: Civilizations, Cycles, Karma
> Dear Friends:
> Mr. Judge offered this to be considered: 
> LADIES and gentlemen: This is our last meeting; it is the last impulse of
> the Cycle which we began when we opened our sessions at this Parliament. All
> the other bodies which have met in this building have been also starting
> cycles just as we have been. 
> Now, a great many people know what the word "cycle" means, and a great many
> do not. There are no doubt in Chicago many men who think that a cycle is a
> machine to be ridden; but the word that I am dealing with is not that. I am
> dealing with a word which means a return, a ring. It is a very old term,
> used in the far past. In our civilization it is applied to a doctrine which
> is not very well understood, but which is accepted by a great many
> scientific men, a great many religious men, and by a great many thinking
> men. 
> The theory is, as held by the ancient Egyptians, that there is a cycle, a
> law of cycles which governs humanity, governs the earth, governs all that is
> in the universe. You may have heard Brother Chakravarti say the Hindus are
> still teaching that there is a great cycle which begins when the Unknown
> breathes forth the whole universe, and ends when it is turned in again into
> itself. That is the great cycle.
> In the Egyptian monuments, papyri, and other records the cycles are spoken
> of. They held, and the ancient Chinese also held, that a great cycle governs
> the earth, called the sidereal cycle because it related to the stars. The
> work was so large that it had to be measured by the stars, and that cycle is
> 25,800 and odd years long. They claim to have measured this enormous cycle. 
> The Egyptians gave evidence they had measured it also and had measured many
> others, so that in these ancient records, looking at the question of cycles,
> we have a hint that man has been living on the earth, has been civilized and
> uncivilized for more years than we have been taught to believe. 
> The ancient Theosophists have always held that civilization with humanity
> went around the earth in cycles, in rings, returning again and again upon
> itself, but that at each turn of the cycle, on the point of return it was
> higher than before. This law of cycles is held in Theosophical doctrine to
> be the most important of all, because it is at the bottom of all. It is a
> part of the law of that unknown being who is the universe, that there shall
> be a periodical coming from and a periodical returning again upon itself.
> Now, that the law of cycles does prevail in the world must be very evident
> if you will reflect for a few moments. The first cycle I would draw your
> attention to is the daily cycle, when the sun rises in the morning and sets
> at night, returning again next morning, you following the sun, rising in the
> morning and at night going to sleep again, at night almost appearing dead,
> but the next morning awaking to life once more. That is the first cycle. You
> can see at once that there are therefore in a mans life just as many cycles
> of that kind as there are days in his life. The next is the monthly cycle,
> when the moon, changing every 28 days, marks the month. We have months
> running to more days, but that is only for convenience, to avoid change in
> the year. The moon gives the month and marks the monthly cycle.
> The next is the yearly cycle. The great luminary, the great mover of all,
> returns again to a point from whence he started. The next great cycle to
> which I would draw your attention, now we have come to the sun--it is held
> by science and is provable I think by other arguments the next cycle is that
> the sun, while stationary to us, is in fact moving through space in an
> enormous orbit which we can not measure. As he moves he draws the earth and
> the planets as they wheel about him. We may say, then, this is another great
> cycle. 
> It appears reasonable that, as the sun is moving through that great cycle,
> he must draw the earth into spaces and places and points in space where the
> earth has never been before, and that it must happen that the earth shall
> come now and then into some place where the conditions are different and
> that it may be changed in a moment, as it were, for to the eye of the soul a
> thousand years are but a moment, when everything will be different. That is
> one aspect of cyclic doctrine, that the sun is drawing the earth in a great
> orbit of his own and is causing the earth to be changed in its nature by
> reason of the new atomic spaces into which it is taken.
> We also hold that the earth is governed by cyclic law throughout the century
> as in a moment. The beings upon it are never in the same state. So nations,
> races, civilizations, communities are all governed in the same way and moved
> by the same law. This law of cycles is the law of reincarnation that we were
> speaking of today: that is, that a man comes into the world and lives a day,
> his life is as a day; he dies out of it and goes to sleep, elsewhere waking;
> then he sleeps there to wake again the next great day; after a period of
> rest, he again enters life; that is his cycle. 
> We hold in Theosophical philosophy it has been proven by the Adepts by
> experiment that men in general awake from this period of rest after 1,500
> years. So we point in history to an historical cycle of 1,500 years, after
> which old ideas return. And if you will go back in the history of the world
> you will find civilization repeating itself every 1,500 years, more or less
> like what it was before. That is to say, go back 1,500 years from now and
> you will find coming out here now the Theosophists, the philosophers, the
> various thinkers, the inventors of 1,500 years ago. 
> And going further back still, we hold that those ancient Egyptians who made
> such enormous pyramids and who had a civilization we cannot understand, at
> that dim period when they burst on the horizon of humanity to fall again,
> have had their cycle of rest and are reincarnating again even in America. So
> we think, some of us, that the American people of the new generation are a
> reincarnation of the ancient Egyptians, who are coming back and bringing
> forth in this civilization all the wonderful ideas which the Egyptians held.
> And that is one reason why this country is destined to be a great one,
> because the ancients are coming back, they are here, and you are very
> foolish if you refuse to consider yourselves so great. We are willing you
> should consider yourselves so great, and not think you are born mean,
> miserable creatures.
> The next cycle I would draw your attention to is that of civilizations. We
> know that civilizations have been here, and they are gone. There is no
> bridge between many of these. If heredity, as some people claim, explains
> everything, how is it not explained why the Egyptians left no string to
> connect them with the present? There is nothing left of them but the Copts,
> who are poor miserable slaves. The Egyptians, as a material race, are wiped
> out, and it is so because it is according to the law of cycles and according
> to the law of nature that the physical embodiment of the Egyptians had to be
> wiped out. But their souls could not go out of existence, and so we find
> their civilization and other civilizations disappearing, civilizations such
> as the ancient civilization of Babylon, and all those old civilizations in
> that part of the East which were just as strange and wonderful as any other.
> And this civilization of ours has come up instead of going down, but it is
> simply repeating the experience of the past on a higher level. It is better
> in potentiality than that which has been before. Under the cyclic law it
> will rise higher and higher, and when its time comes it will die out like
> the rest.
> Also religions have had their cycles. The Christian religion has had its
> cycle. It began in the first year of the Christian era and was a very
> different thing then from what it is now. If you examine the records of
> Christianity itself you will see that the early fathers and teachers taught
> differently in the beginning from that which the priests of today are
> teaching now. Similarly you will find that Brahminism has had its cycle.
> Every religion rises and falls with the progress of human thought, because
> cyclic law governs every man, and thus every religion which man has.
> So it is also with diseases. Is it not true that fevers are governed by a
> law of recurrence in time; some have three days, some four days, nine days,
> fifteen days, three years and so on? No physician can say why it is so; they
> only know that it is a fact. So in every direction the law of cycles is
> found to govern. It is all according to the great inherent law of the
> periodical ebb and flow, the Great Day and Night of Nature. 
> The tides in Ocean rise and fall; similarly in the great Ocean of Nature
> there is a constant ebb and flow, a mightier tide which carries all with it.
> The only thing that remains unshaken, immovable, never turning is the Spirit
> itself. That, as St. James said--and he doubtless was himself a wise
> Theosophist--is without variableness and hath no shadow of turning.
> Now, this great law of periodical return pertains also to every individual
> man in his daily life and thought. 
> Every idea that you have, every thought, affects your brain and mind by its
> impression. That begins the cycle. It may seem to leave your mind,
> apparently it goes out, but it returns again under the same cyclic law in
> some form either better or worse, and wakes up once more the old impression.
> Even the very feelings that you have of sorrow or gladness will return in
> time, more or less according to your disposition, but inevitably in their
> cycle. This is a law it would do good for every one to remember, especially
> those who have variations of joy and sorrow, of exaltation and depression.
> If when depressed you would recollect the law and act upon it by voluntarily
> creating another cycle of exaltation, on its returning again with the
> companion cycle of lower feeling it would in no long time destroy the
> depressing cycle and raise you to higher places of happiness and peace. 
> It applies again in matters of study where we use the intellectual organs
> only. When a person begins the study of a difficult subject or one more
> grave than usual, there is a difficulty in keeping the mind upon it; the
> mind wanders; it is disturbed by other and older ideas and impressions. But
> by persistency a new cycle is established, which, being kept rolling, at
> last obtains the mastery.
> We hold further--and I can only go over this briefly-- that in evolution
> itself, considered as a vast inclusive whole, there are cycles, and that
> unless there were these turnings and returnings no evolution would be
> possible, for evolution is but another word for cyclic law. Reincarnation,
> or re-embodiment over and over again, is an expression of this great law and
> a necessary part of evolution.
> Evolution means a coming forth from something. From out of what does the
> evolving universe come? It comes out from what we call the unknown, and we
> call it "unknown" simply because we do not know what it is. The unknown does
> not mean the non-existent; it simply means that which we do not perceive in
> its essence or fulness. It goes forth again and again, always higher and
> better; but while it is rolling around at its lower arc it seems to those
> down there that it is lower than ever; but it is bound to come up again. And
> that is the answer we give to those who ask, What of all those civilizations
> that have disappeared, what of all the years that I have forgotten? What
> have I been in other lives, I have forgotten them? We simply say, you are
> going through your cycle. 
> Some day all these years and experiences will return to your recollection as
> so much gained. And all the nations of the earth should know this law,
> remember it and act upon it, knowing that they will come back and that
> others also will come back. Thus they should leave behind something that
> will raise the cycle higher and higher, thus they should ever work toward
> the perfection which mankind as a whole is striving in fact to procure for
> itself.
> NOTE.--Final address by W.Q.J. at Parliament of Religions, 1893. Other talks
> by Mr. Judge on "The Organized Life of the T.S." and "Theosophy in the
> Christian Bible" were printed in Pamphlets No. 3 and No. 15.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Some more references may be considered:
> ...he [Plato] says that long before man built his cities, in the
> golden age, there was naught but happiness on earth, for there were no
> needs. Why? Because Saturn, knowing that man could not rule man,
> without injustice filling forthwith the universe through his whims and
> vanity, would not allow any mortal to obtain power over his fellow
> creatures. To do this the god used the same means we use ourselves
> with regard to our flocks.
> We do not place a bullock or a ram over our bullocks and rams, but
> give them a leader, a shepherd, i.e., a being of a species quite
> different from their own and of a superior nature. It is just what
> Saturn did. He loved mankind and placed to rule over it no mortal
> King or prince but-"Spirits and genii of a divine nature more
> excellent than that of man."
> It was god, the Logos (the synthesis of the Host) who thus presiding
> over the genii, became the first shepherd and leader of men.* When the
> world had ceased to be so governed and the gods retired, "ferocious
> beasts devoured a portion of mankind." "Left to their own resources
> and industry, inventors then appeared among them successively and
> discovered fire, wheat, wine; and public gratitude deified them . . .
> ." ( "De Legibus" I, iv.; in Crit. and in Politic).
> And mankind was right, as fire by friction was the first mystery of
> nature, the first and chief property of matter that was revealed to
> man.
> "Fruits and grain, unknown to Earth to that day, were brought by the
> 'Lords of Wisdom' for the benefit of those they ruled-front other
> lokas (spheres). . ." say the Commentaries. Now: "The earliest
> inventions (?) of mankind are the most wonderful that the race has
> ever made. . . The first use of fire, and the discovery of the
> methods by which it can be kindled; the domestication of animals; and,
> above all, the processes by which the various cereals were first
> developed out of some wild grasses(?)-these are all discoveries with
> which, in ingenuity and in importance, no subsequent discoveries may
> compare. They are all unknown to history-all lost in the light of an
> EFFULGENT DAWN." ("Unity of Nature," Argyll.)
> This will be doubted and denied in our proud generation. But if it is
> asserted that there are no grains and fruits unknown to earth, then we
> may remind the reader that wheat has never been found in the wild
> state: it is not a product of the earth. All the other cereals have
> been traced to their primogenital forms in various species of wild
> grasses, but wheat has hitherto defied the efforts of botanists to
> trace it to its origin.
> -----
> * The Secret Doctrine explains and expounds that which Plato says, for
> it teaches that those "inventors" were gods and demi-gods (Devas and
> Rishis) who had become-some deliberately, some forced to by
> Karma-incarnated in man.
> -----
> And let us bear in mind, in this connection, how sacred was that
> cereal with the Egyptian priests; wheat being placed even with their
> mummies, and found thousands of years later in their coffins. 
> Remember:-"The servants of Horus glean the wheat in the field of
> Aanroo, . . . wheat seven cubits high." ("Book of the Dead," chap.
> xcix.,33; and clvi., 4.)* The reader is referred to Stanza VII., Verse
> 3, Book I., wherein this verse is explained in another of its
> meanings, and also to the "Book of the Dead," chap. cix., v. 4 and 5.
> "I am the Queen of these regions," says the Egyptian Isis; "I was the
> first to reveal to mortals the mysteries of wheat and corn. I am she
> who rises in the constellation of the dog . . . (Dog-star) Rejoice, O
> Egypt! thou who wert my nurse." (Book i., chap. XIV.)+
> Sirius was called the dog-star. It was the star of Mercury or Budha,
> called the great instructor of mankind, before other Buddhas. The book
> of the Chinese Y-King, attributes the discovery of agriculture to "the
> instruction given to men by celestial genii."
> "Woe, woe to the men who know nought, observe nought, nor will they
> see. . . . They are all blind? since they remain ignorant how much
> the world is full of various and invisible creatures which crowd even
> in the most sacred places" (Zohar, Part I., col. 177.)
> SD II, 373-4
> =====================================================
> CIVILIZATION(S). See also Atlantis, Continent, Nations
> ancient, preceded by others II 334 
> antiquity of, (Gould) II 311-12 
> Atlantean II 263 
> Atlantean & Egyptian II 429-30 
> Babylonian, fr India II 203 
> Central Asian I xxxii-iv 
> Chaldean, fr India II 226 
> Christian barbarism & II 430 
> earliest, date fr Eocene II 744 
> Egyptian, had no Stone Age II 786n 
> fate of modern II 331 
> first, fr divine dynasties II 318, 364 
> fourth race Chinese highest II 280n 
> Haeckel traces, to ants, bees II 650 
> high prehistoric II 432 
> Lemurian II 317-19 
> Lemuro-Atlantean I 191; II 433n 
> lost II 222, 429-34 
> lost arts of ancient I 208-9 &n; II 430-1 
> Miocene, (Donnelly) II 266n 
> most brilliant, in Tertiary II 679 
> physical, at cost of spiritual II 319 &n 
> physiological changes before II 317 
> prehistoric Central Asian I xxxii-iv 
> primeval, & Darwinists II 786n 
> puzzle of autochthonous I 652 
> rises & falls of II 330, 723 
> savagery &, side by side II 318, 522, 717, 722-5 
> Secondary Period II 266n 
> Sons of God founded I 208-9; II 198, 318, 364 
> submerged II 311-41, 393-402, 426-9 
> sunken, evidence of II 742-77
> Continent(s) II 313-50, 393-409, 742-77, 778-93. 
> See also Atlantis, Dvipas, Lands, Lemuria, Root-Races'
> African II 200, 263-4 
> age of various II 606n 
> American or fifth II 8, 35n, 182, 444-6 
> ancient, more mountains than valleys II 763 
> Arctic or polar II 11-12, 138n, 398, 400-1, 727 
> after Atlantis II 395 
> Atlas, symbolized Atlantis-Lemuria II 762 
> Australia remnant of sunken II 314 
> axis change & new II 360 
> born, grow old, die II 350 
> civilization of lost II 222 
> colossal men on submerged II 336 
> destroyed by fire, water II 266, 307n, 309, 311, 329-31, 426-8, 725-6, 776n,
> 784 
> destruction of early I 439n 
> destruction of fifth race II 445-6, 757 
> destruction of "worlds" may mean II 705 
> dry island a northern II 398 
> Easter Island & submerged I 439; II 316n 
> Europe the fifth II 8 
> evidence of submerged II 324-34, 742-93 
> fifth, Europe & Asia Minor II 8 
> first, never perished II 6, 372n, 401, 606n 
> five, of root-races II 6-9, 11 
> flood connected w sinking of II 307 
> four, in Avesta II 609-10 
> four prehistoric II 6, 404 
> fourth, destruction of II 314, 395n, 433n 
> fourth, or Atlantis I 369; II 314, 395n 
> future, & present lands II 404-5, 445 
> geologists & submerged II 316 
> God-inhabited II 221 
> great northern, concealed II 399 
> horseshoe-like II 326, 401-2 
> Hyperborean or 2nd II 7, 11-12, 274, 606n 
> identical, do not rise again II 333 
> immense submerged, in Pacific II 788-9 
> India & South America, islands &, connect II 327 
> Keely's force on some new I 564 
> Lemuro-Atlantean II 10 
> lost, fr India to Tasmania II 221 
> Magi believed in seven II 608 
> man lived on now sunken, (Lyell) II 725 
> Mascarene II 324 
> Mayas belonged to fifth II 34-5n 
> northern, tropical II 326, 423-4, 727 
> old, sucked under II 330 
> of other lokas & globes (Puranas) II 321-2 
> overlap each other II 433n 
> periodical sinking, rising II 144, 266, 307, 325-33, 400n, 703, 762n, 787n 
> Persian traditions re II 393-402 
> Polynesian II 222-4 
> present, sunk several times II 332-3 
> Puranas use, symbolically II 323 
> rising & sinking of, continuous II 787n 
> Romaka-pura part of lost II 50, 67-8 
> Saka & Pushkara to come II 404-5 
> second I 369; II 138, 401-2 
> sequence of II 8 
> seven allegorical, [dvipas] II 155, 288, 321, 404-5, 612 
> seven "creations" of new II 756-9 
> seven, in Revelation II 748 
> seven, of Bharatavarsha II 501n 
> shifting of I 273; II 333, 699 
> sinking of, & planets, Moon II 699 
> sixth & seventh, yet to come II 405, 445-6 
> of sixth race II 757 
> fr Spitzbergen to Dover II 324, 326 
> Theopompus on Atlantean II 371 
> third & fourth II 263-4, 606n 
> third, Lemurian II 329, 371-2, 606 
> third, sank 4,242,352 years ago I 439n 
> Uranos ruled second II 765
> Atlanteans settled & perished on II 326 
> cyclopean relics on I 439; II 317, 337 
> remnant of Lemuria II 324, 326-8, 680 
> rock city thirty miles west of II 317 
> sank & was raised II 327-8 
> statues, ansated cross on I 322; II 557 
> statues of fourth race giants II 224, 316 &n, 331, 336-7 
> statues record last Lemurians II 340
> Atlantean source of II 745-6, 753n 
> civilization gives way to Atlantean II 769-70 
> Druids heir to lore of II 754 
> Easter Island, remains I 322, 439; II 224, 317, 337 
> monuments I 208-9n; II 344-5 
> oldest, buildings late Lemurian II 317 
> remnants II 294 
> stones & colossal buildings II 769 
> structures & giants II 341 
> structures in Peru II 317, 337, 745 
> swastika found on, buildings II 586 
> third or, eye II 299 
> Tiryns, Mycenae were II 345n
> actual giants of old II 337 
> Apollo killed II 770 
> Atlantean giant II 70, 293 
> Druids were not giants or II 343 
> initiates of Atlantis taught I 208n 
> initiators of true Masonry II 345n 
> man was a kind of II 289 
> may have been three-eyed II 293-4 
> one eye of, was wisdom eye II 769 
> other races of II 769 
> Palaemon was a II 345n 
> NATION(S). See also Civilizations
> in all ages II 716 
> American II 444 
> ancient, knew of extinct monsters II 206 
> astronomical cycles & fate of II 330-1 
> cataclysms recorded by all II 787n 
> clothe truth w local symbols I xxxvi 
> deluge sweeps, out of existence II 351 
> descended fr Lemuria II 768 
> disappear w no trace II 743 
> each, receives its own truth I xxxvi 
> every, has its deva or spirit I 576; II 538 
> extinct, near Tchertchen I xxxiii-iv 
> karma maps progress of I 326 
> many new, in sixth race II 446 
> overlap each other II 433n 
> predestination in history of I 641 
> prehistoric, versed in science I 673 
> rise & fall of, & writing II 442 
> survival of fittest among II 330
> Nation, New York (Nature in tx), criticism of Stallo I 483 &n
> called karmic in East I 642 
> within subrace II 301
> Natural Selection II 348, 426
> cannot originate variations II 299n, 648 
> criticisms of II 185, 647-9, 654, 657, 696 
> does not affect basic type II 737 
> evolution not entirely due to II 728 
> future prospects of I 600 
> law of retardation & II 260 &n 
> not an entity II 648 
> only partially true II 734 &n 
> de Quatrefages accepted II 662 
> & Romanes' alternate theory II 647 
> secondary cause only II 648-9 
> super- II 260 
> Wallace felt, inadequate I 107, 339; II 696
> abject, explained II 744 
> ancestors are serpents, belief of I 404 
> anthropoid fr, (Haeckel) II 171 
> Aryans & II 421n 
> civilized &, races side by side II 317-18, 522, 716-17, 722-3 
> complicated mythology, customs of II 721 
> do not imitate apes II 676n 
> Ice Age immigration of II 738n 
> of India II 676 
> inferiority of II 249n, 421n 
> latest human monads II 168 
> may be old, relapsed races II 721-2 
> moral discernment of I 423 
> Paleolithic, & civilized man II 317, 686n, 716 
> primeval, never existed II 722 
> some of third race were II 318 
> sterility in crossings w II 195 
> superior & inferior, discussed II 425 
> there have been, in all ages II 715
> Savagery, isolation brings on II 426
> SAVIOR(S) II 222
> Agathodaemon, the Gnostic II 458 
> Chenresi called II 179 
> Christian, & Taurus I 656 
> cyclic II 415 
> holy seed-grain of future II 173 
> last, will be fr Sacred Island II 350 
> man his own I 644 
> mind is our II 513 
> no new, in Black Age I 470 
> periodical births of world I 657 
> personified in Prometheus II 411 
> Pisces symbol of I 653 
> rakshasas future, of humanity II 163 
> rebels are our II 103 
> Satan a I 193; II 243 
> satanic origin of pagan, (Sepp) II 482 
> spiritual Sun sends forth I 638 
> Vaivasvata, of our race II 140-1
> TEACHERS I 159-60. 272-3,
> See Adepts, Initiates, Mahatma Letters, Masters
> HPB had Sinnett's letters fr I 187 
> on cometary matter I 597 
> forbidden to speak on some subjects I 163-5 
> inhabit Snowy Range I 271 
> Mahaguru guides I 208 
> various names for I 271n
> CYCLE(S). 
> See also Age, Chronology, Kalpas, Manvantaras, 
> Root-Races, Rounds, Years, Yugas
> apses & equinoctial point II 330n 
> ascending, descending I 417, 641, 642 
> astronomical II 49, 70, 330 
> Asuramaya, Narada & II 47-8 
> beginning of 4,320,000-year I 434-5 
> of Being I 40n, 135 
> celestial hierarchy evolves thru I 221 
> death of races & II 780 
> of decline in species II 733-4 
> Dendera zodiac & II 432-3 
> eleven-year, & Sun I 290, 541 
> of energy I 625 
> esoteric II 70, 435 
> evolution endless series of I 221, 641; II 189 
> figures for collapsed II 395 
> 5,000 years of kali-yuga ends I xliii-iv, 612 
> Garuda stands for great I 366 
> grand, of mankind I 642 
> help given at close of great I 612 
> history repeats itself in I 676 
> human & natural I 387-90 
> of incarnation or necessity I 17 
> individual, of Kabbala II 188 
> initiation, & sidereal year I 314 
> Kabiri appear at beginning of I 434-5 &n 
> karma governs II 329 
> known to initiates II 70 
> legendary men stand for II 570-1 
> long, of terrestrial existence II 246 
> lunar, of nineteen years II 770 
> Magnus Annus II 784-5 
> manvantaric I 134n, 368-78, 673; II 98, 399, 434, 485 
> mastered thru initiation I 642; II 566 
> of matter & spirituality II 446 
> of maya II 146n 
> of monads I 135 
> multiples of seven I 36 
> Narada & II 47-9, 323 
> of naros & saros I 114, 655n; II 619 
> national, racial, tribal I 642; II 70, 301 
> new, & astronomical positions II 785 
> ogdoad (eight) & II 580 
> overlap each other II 433n, 444 
> Pesh-Hun recorded cosmic II 49 
> Phoenix symbolized II 617 &n 
> prehistoric knowledge of I 389 
> racial & astronomical II 330-1, 443-6 
> of return of constellations I 645 
> sacred, of 4320 II 73 
> secrets of, guarded II 396 
> of septenary evolution I 267 
> Sesha is, of eternity II 49 &n, 505 
> sidereal II 330-1 
> subservient to karma I 635 
> swastika & II 99 
> table of II 69-70 
> teachers, world reformers & II 358-9 
> three thousand, of existences I 135 
> various, mentioned I 638 
> week, year & II 395 
> within cycles I 40n, 221, 637-8, 641-2; II 189, 301, 330, 620-1
> eternal motion is, & spiral II 80 
> evolution I 634-47; II 34, 199, 300 
> Jupiter as immutable, law II 786 
> languages have their, evolution II 199 
> law II 74, 157, 252, 298, 780 
> law defied by human will I 298n 
> law of race-evolution II 786n 
> law of rebirth II 232 
> Moon &, forms of disease I 180; II 622-3 &n 
> Narada knew, intricacies II 49 
> nature's acts are I 640 
> pilgrimage II 103 
> precession of all life II 263 
> precession of equinoxes I 439n 
> progress of asterisms (Hindu) II 253 
> rise & fall II 723 
> septenary a, law of nature II 623n 
> spiral course of, law II 157
> Buddhists believe in I 635 
> each nation its own I 10, 576 
> highest, know our solar system II 700n 
> principles in man fr II 29 
> regents of planets or I 104; II 22 
> represented as circles II 552 
> rule destinies of men I 128 
> seven, of Christian mystics II 97 
> seven, or rishis II 318n 
> souls of heavenly orbs I 602; II 552 
> of stars, planets I 128
> Planetoids, man's influence on II 700
> Planet-tower of Nebo II 456
> Planisphere(s). See also Dendera Zodiac
> Carnac & West Hoadley are II 343
> ---------
> hope this may help,
> Dallas
> =============================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: carlosaveline
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 6:32 AM
> To: 
> Do theosophists have anything to do with the present crisis of human
> civilization? 
> In this hectic beginning of the 21st century, sincere theosophists may ask
> themselves what is their responsibility with regard to the bulk of human
> karma. 
> As students of esoteric philosophy, they are the outer guardians of a
> sacred wisdom both ancient and modern. It is supposed that they do not
> study it solely for their own individual benefit - for, if they do so,
> failure is unavoidable from the start. In order to understand sacred
> wisdom, your goal must be benefitting mankind, and even this is not enough.
> HPB also taught that philosophical knowledge must be a living and creative
> process tested in daily life. You can´t achieve great wisdom simply by
> repeating ideas contained in the best books available. 
> But if we have some degree of true altruism and a willingness to act - we
> may be entitled to face, in these days, an uncomfortable question: 
> "As our civilization confronts great and growing dangers and challenges of
> various kinds, in what sense should we feel responsible for its future? What
> is our actual responsibility?" 
> To answer such a question is no simple task. Yet there is at least one
> thing about which we can be sure: crises and opportunities are all around
> us. Each evening they are in the news. They are presented to us as part
> of our favourite TV shows. All over Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas,
> floods, forest fires, droughts, hurricanes and other similar events seem to
> prepare a global climatic change which can have drastic effects over the
> fate of our civilization. These hundreds of climatic events are shown by
> the media as if they were merely isolated facts, now happening by some
> strange sort of coincidence. 
> This is not true. 
> It is also not a coincidence that the signs of ethical and social decay in
> our civilization - including poverty, war and terrorist attacks - run in
> parallel to deforestation, environmental pollution and climatic changes.
> Spirit and matter evolve together. Each time in History when man´s greed
> made him destroy his natural environment, he himself had to pay the price
> for it. 
> Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood are the answer. 
> snip
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