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Re: Carlos' Statement

Jun 09, 2006 01:50 PM
by carlosaveline


Thanks for your views.  
I guess this Eristic approach of yours  will not bring good results. 

Getting one sentence and twisting it against another twisted sentence may be funny, but it does not work. 

Arthur Shoppenhauer wrote a whole book denouncing this and other Sophistry techniques.  You should read it --  Schoppenhauer was most likely a lay disciple. 

You know what I mean: the issue is the "may be" policy, the adoption of clear slanders as part of theosophical literature...  the endless repetition of the same inuendos and half-slanders...  the adoption as historical documents of texts fabricated for a Christian  BRIBE... the sowing of doubts about the morality and Ethics of an HONEST WOMAN... 

I still hope you and Algeo will be able to admit, in future days, that HPB was, after all,  a decent person.  Then you both will stop publicizing this kind of "stuff".  

Regards,  Carlos Cardoso Aveline 


Data:Fri, 09 Jun 2006 20:30:46 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Trying to Clarify Carlos' Specific Statement about Using Soloviof's Book

> Trying to Clarify Carlos' Specific Statement 
> about Using Soloviof's Book 
> Carlos, sometime ago you wrote:
> ======================================================
> Why should anyone EXCEPT a slanderer consider Soloviof a legitimate
> source of historical information?
> But -- why USING Soloviof as a source if you are not a slanderer?
> ==========================================================
> caps added.
> So Carlos, are you saying that any writer who uses Soloviof's book 
> as a legitimate source for historical information is a "slanderer"?
> For example, if some writer (let us say Paul Johnson or John Algeo 
> or ....) wrote a book which contains the following two quotes or 
> similar quotes from Solovyoff's book, would you consider the writer 
> to be a "slanderer"?? Please refer to your own words ABOVE.
> Now the two quotes:
> Quote One
> ===================================================
> In the latter part of 1877, H.P.B. told others that she was planning
> to go to the East. She wrote to a Russian correspondent Mr. Aksakov:
> "We have now a multitude of corresponding fellows in India, and are
> proposing next year to set off for Ceylon and to settle there, as
> headquarters of our society." (A Modern Priestess of Isis, p. 277.)
> ==================================================
> Quote 2
> ===================================================
> H.P.B. writes about her first book ISIS UNVEILED as follows:
> "Well, my book has appeared at last. My darling was born last
> Saturday, September 29th, but a week ealier my publisher had sent
> pre-publication copies to the editors of all the papers. I am
> enclosing herewith the review in the New York Herald...." (letter
> by H.P.B. to N.A. Aksakov from V.S. Solovyov's A Modern Priestess of
> Isis (London, 1895).
> ==================================================
> So if some writer wrote a book which contains the ABOVE two quotes 
> or similar quotes from Solovyoff's book (that is, they are
> USING Soloviof as a legitimate source of historical information by 
> quoting HPB's letters in MODERN PRIESTESS OF ISIS), would 
> you consider the writer to be a "slanderer"??
> Again I ask this in light of your own words which I quoted at the 
> very first of this posting.
> I am trying to clarify and understand exactly what you mean in your 
> statements as given.
> Daniel
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