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Jun 10, 2006 08:43 AM
by carlosaveline



Thanks (see below).  May I add something?

Not even Daniel Caldwell or John Algeo dare say that any of those "letters" or "testimonies" are legitimate.  They only publish the forgeries,  and then, in small notes difficult to find, they timidly admit that their originals never appeared and they "have poor legitimacy" -- to use  Algeo's words. 

This is most obviously NOT a scientific,  NOR a scholarly practice.  It is something else. HPB herself commented this, since this practice dates from her own time. 

Thus Algeo/Cadlwell  tend to create a thick wall of doubts and personalistic gossips around Theosophy, and they try to lead possible students into skepticism and denial,  instead of allowing them to study the philosophy of Theosophy. 

If their intentions are nolble, I hope they can see that this is not a very "scientific" thing to do. 

Best regards,  Carlos Cardoso Aveline.


Data:Sat, 10 Jun 2006 03:31:21 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Re: Publication of the ?Solovyoff letters?

> Hello Daniel,
> If another volume is produced without these letters, this as far as I can see seems to be 
> based on honourable and ethical reasons, as there is considerable doubt that HPB actually 
> wrote the letters in question.
> The Wheaton edition could easily have put the `Solovyoff's' letters into a separate chapter 
> with sufficient preamble and background to clarify the nature of the letters to the reader.
> Cheers
> Perry
> --- In, "danielhcaldwell" wrote:
> >
> > Perry,
> > 
> > You write:
> > 
> > ========================================
> > 
> > Just wanted to give my perspective on the publication of the
> > Solovyoff letters, for what its worth....
> > 
> > I personally think that the publication of these letters is not in
> > itself the point of contention but rather that in part the letters
> > are included in the volume without adequately alerting the reader to
> > there controversial and the reputedly fraudulent nature of them
> > 
> > ========================================
> > 
> > But Perry apparently in the new volume of "Authentic Letters of 
> > H.P.B." (Carlos' phrase) now under preparation the letters in 
> > dispute will simply NOT be included in the volume. They will have 
> > been removed. I am going on the information provided in several 
> > issues of the Aquarian Theosophist.
> > 
> > Daniel
> >
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