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Are these 6 statements true and accurate?

Nov 04, 2006 10:54 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Are the 6 statements below true and accurate?

And what evidence is there to support each of these statements?

If you read these 6 statements in a new book dealing with the history 
of the Thesophical Movement, would it matter to you?  

Would you write to the author and/or publisher??  If so, why?

(1)  Annie Besant was appointed before Mme. Blavatsky's passing in 
1891 as her successor in Outer Headship of the Esoteric Section.

(2) DK states that much of the Mahatma Letters is HPB's own work and 
not actual dictation from her Masters.

(3) During all the troublous period 1893-6 Mr. Crosbie shared to an 
extend unknown and undreamt of by others in the burdens and the 
confidence of Mr. Judge.

(4) Mr. Leadbeater was one of H.P.B.'s nearest and most trusted 
pupils in whom she had awakened the powers since so splendidly used 
in the service of the Society that he might become a great Teacher.

(5) The Theosophical "succession" of Mrs. Tingley thus becomes lost 
in a morass of psychic delusion, of claims and counter-claims. If 
the "evidence" for  it be accepted, Judge becomes a guileless psychic 
and a virtual "disciple" of Mrs. Tingley. If the evidence is 
rejected, Mrs. Tingley becomes  at best a self-deluded woman, at 
worst a charlatan, and so, also, her close supporters. 

(6) Crosbie claimed to have left Pt Loma because he asserted he was 
in contact with HPB and the Masters, and he continued to make this 
claim thereafter. 


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